Console Tricks Seminar

In [1]:
# Reset example files and folders
cd ${HOME}
mkdir -p exampledirectory1 exampledirectory2
rm -f exampledirectory?/*
rm -f examplefile2
echo "File1" > exampledirectory1/file1
echo "File2" > exampledirectory1/file2
echo "File3" > exampledirectory1/file3
echo -e "This Is Line1\nThis Is Line2\nThis Is Line3\nThis Is Line4" > examplefile
chmod 755 exampledirectory1 exampledirectory2
chmod 644 examplefile

1. Introduction: What Is a Shell?

Windows Explorer


Maybe this looks more like what you expected:

Terminal Exmulator

But is that a shell?

Yes and no. Let's have a look at the definition of a shell:

In computing, a shell is a user interface for access to an operating system's services. In general, operating system shells use either a command-line interface (CLI) or graphical user interface (GUI), depending on a computer's role and particular operation. Wikipedia

Maybe you wouldn't expect it, but the Windows Desktop, including the Windows Explorer, is a shell (and Microsoft actually calls it so).

On Linux systems we usually mean CLIs (command-line interfaces) when we're talking about shells. That doesn't mean that there aren't graphical shells. The X window system + your desktop environment is also a shell.

Back to our Linux “shell”…

Terminal Exmulator

What we see here are actually two things:

  • A graphical terminal emulator
  • A shell command prompt

The terminal window is basically a software version of this little fellow here: a very modern VT100 terminal (therefore the name “terminal emulator”).

VT100 terminal

CC-BY 3.0 Wikipedia, Jason Scott

And the shell?

  • The shell itself interprets text commands and provides feedback as text
  • Therefore any Linux/UNIX shell can also be operated via serial COM ports
  • Anything display-related is responsibility of the terminal
  • Colors, formatting, cursor movement etc. are represented as certain (ANSI-standardized) “escape sequences” and interpreted by the displaying terminal

Which may sometimes give you nasty surprises:

Corrupted terminal

(type reset to get your terminal back under control)

For more information about ANSI escape sequences have a look at Wikipedia or

2. Getting Started: The Basics

Where do I find stuff?

Linux systems (and many other UNIX-like systems) follow a filesystem structure standard called the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS).

Basic principle: All folders fall into these two orthogonal categories: shareable vs. unshareablestatic vs. variable

“Shareable” files are those that can be stored on one host and used on others. “Unshareable” files are those that are not shareable. For example, the files in user home directories are shareable whereas device lock files are not.

“Static” files include binaries, libraries, documentation files and other files that do not change without system administrator intervention. “Variable” files are files that are not static.

Chapter 2. The Filesystem, FHS 3.0

Furthermore, the standard defines a basic folder tree.

The most important directories:

  • / – The root filesystem
    • /bin – Essential user command binaries
    • /boot – Static files for the boot loader
    • /dev – Device files
    • /etc - Host-specific system configuration
    • /home – User home directories
    • /lib (/lib64) – Essential shared libraries and kernel modules
    • /media – Mount point for removable media
    • /mnt – Mount point for temporarily mounted filesystems
    • /opt – Add-on application software packages
    • /root – Home directory of the root user
    • /run – Run-time variable data
    • /sbin – System binaries
    • /srv – Data for services provided by this system
    • /tmp – Temporary files

Besides these top-level directories FHS defines two secondary filesystem trees:

  • /usr – Contains shareable, read-only data used by all users of the system
  • /var – Contains variable (shareable and unshareable) data files (e.g. mail spools, log files, temporary files)

Both directories contain a subtree similar to the top-level root filesystem tree.

Most notable sub-directories of /usr:

  • /usr/bin – Most user command binaries
  • /usr/lib – Libraries and object files for user programs
  • /usr/share – Static, architecture-independent resource files (definitions, icons, media files, *.desktop files, static game data etc.)

Important configuration files

Besides the preceding list of directories, there are also some very important configuration files which you should know about.

  • /etc/passwd– usernames and home directories, readable by everyone (usually no passwords included, despite the name)
  • /etc/shadow – passwords for users, only readable by root
  • /etc/hosts – mapping from and [::1] to localhost, additional hostname configurations
  • /etc/fstab – system-wide mount points for storage devices
  • /etc/profile, /etc/profile.d/* – global shell settings

And Finally the Good Stuff…

Now that we have a basic understanding of the system we're working on, we can start with actual command-line fu. \o/

Once logged into a system, you'll be placed in an initial directory, usually your home directory. The folder you're currently residing in is your current working directory (CWD).

To find out where we are, type

In [2]:

Moving Around

Great! we know where we are. I guess you're curious whether there are files in this directory…

In [3]:
exampledirectory1  examplefile          seminar
exampledirectory2  My Example File.txt  somedirectory

Is that all? Probably not.

In [4]:
ls -a
.              .cache             .hiddenfile          .profile       .w3m
..             exampledirectory1  .ipython             seminar
.bash_history  exampledirectory2  .jupyter             somedirectory
.bash_logout   examplefile        .local               .ssh
.bashrc        .gitconfig         My Example File.txt  .viminfo

Files that start with a dot are hidden files. Use the -a flag to list hidden files, too.

If you want more information than just the file names, use -l. This will also tell you the owner of a file, its size, permissions and last modification date. -h makes the filesize more human-readable (instead of printing bytes).

In [5]:
ls -lh
total 20K
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4,0K Oct 26 18:04 exampledirectory1
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4,0K Oct 26 18:28 exampledirectory2
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmdline cmdline   56 Oct 26 18:28 examplefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmdline cmdline    0 Oct 26 18:27 My Example File.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 cmdline cmdline 4,0K Oct 26 18:28 seminar
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4,0K Oct 26 18:26 somedirectory

You can of course also combine it with the -a flag to show hidden files.

The CWD can be changed with the cd command.

In [6]:
cd exampledirectory1

Verify that we're in a different directory now:

In [7]:

The shortcuts . and .. represent the current and the parent directory. It's easy to go one level back up:

In [8]:
cd ..

File Permissions

As already seen before, each file and directory has a basic set of permissions assigned to it.

Permissions are either represented as characters (e.g. -rw-rw-r--) or octal numbers (e.g. 644).

Recall our file listing from before:

In [9]:
ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:04 exampledirectory1
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 exampledirectory2
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmdline cmdline   56 Oct 26 18:28 examplefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmdline cmdline    0 Oct 26 18:27 My Example File.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 seminar
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:26 somedirectory

The first character simply shows the type of the file (d for directory, - for normal file).

The other nine (3x3) characters represent the permissions for the owning user, the owning group and others (i.e. everyone else). These are readable (r), writable (w) and executable ( x ).

User and group of a file are shown in the third and fourth column of the file listing.

Manipulating File Permissions

File permissions can be changed by the chmod command. The command takes the new permissions and the filename as parameter:

In [10]:
chmod a=rwx examplefile
ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:04 exampledirectory1
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 exampledirectory2
-rwxrwxrwx 1 cmdline cmdline   56 Oct 26 18:28 examplefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmdline cmdline    0 Oct 26 18:27 My Example File.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 seminar
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:26 somedirectory

This will set all (a) permissions to rwx (full permissions). Permissions can also be set for only the user (u), the group (g) or everyone else (o). Multiple definitions are separated by commas.

In [11]:
chmod u=rwx,g=rw,o=r examplefile
ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:04 exampledirectory1
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 exampledirectory2
-rwxrw-r-- 1 cmdline cmdline   56 Oct 26 18:28 examplefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmdline cmdline    0 Oct 26 18:27 My Example File.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 seminar
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:26 somedirectory

Instead of setting the full permission bitmask with =, individual bits can be added or subtracted using + and -.

The easiest way to add the executable bit for user, group and others is

In [12]:
chmod +x examplefile
ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:04 exampledirectory1
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 exampledirectory2
-rwxrwxr-x 1 cmdline cmdline   56 Oct 26 18:28 examplefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmdline cmdline    0 Oct 26 18:27 My Example File.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 seminar
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:26 somedirectory

(note the implied a in front of the +)

In the same way we can remove write permissions for just the group:

In [13]:
chmod g-w examplefile
ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:04 exampledirectory1
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 exampledirectory2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cmdline cmdline   56 Oct 26 18:28 examplefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmdline cmdline    0 Oct 26 18:27 My Example File.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 seminar
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:26 somedirectory

But what about directories?

Read and write permissions for folders work basically the same as for files. They define whether you can list a folder's contents (using the ls command) and whether you can add or delete files in this directory.

But what do execute permissions mean on a folder?

Execution rights on a folder allow the user to

  • change to it using the cd command
  • access its files and subfolders
In [14]:
# Make sure command exits with clean exit code 0
# (necessary to continue execution of further cells)
alias cd="echo bash: cd: exampledirectory1: Permission denied; true"

In [15]:
chmod -x exampledirectory1
cd exampledirectory1
bash: cd: exampledirectory1: Permission denied
In [16]:
unalias cd

In [17]:
chmod +x exampledirectory1

Calculating Numeric Permissions

A shorter (yet slightly harder to understand) notation is using octal numbers.

Octal permissions are defined as follows:

r := 4
w := 2
x := 1

To get to the desired permission set, add these numbers for each of user, group and others.

The resulting three-digit octal number represents the full set of permissions.


Express the permission set -rwxrw-r-- as octal number.

  1. Add up permissions for user: r+w+x = 4+2+1 = 7
  2. Add up permissions for group: r+w = 4+2 = 6
  3. Add up permissions for others: r = 4

Building a 3-digit number from it, we end up with 764.

In [18]:
chmod 764 examplefile
ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:04 exampledirectory1
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 exampledirectory2
-rwxrw-r-- 1 cmdline cmdline   56 Oct 26 18:28 examplefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cmdline cmdline    0 Oct 26 18:27 My Example File.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:28 seminar
drwxr-xr-x 2 cmdline cmdline 4096 Oct 26 18:26 somedirectory

Common numeric permissions

Although numeric permissions seem to be complicated, in almost all cases you only need to remember five numbers.


  • 644: Normal file permissions, everyone can read, only user can write
  • 755: Executable file, everyone can read and execute, only user can write
  • 600: Private file, only user can read and write (e.g. SSH private key)


  • 755: Normal folder permissions, everyone can change to it and list contents, only user can add new files
  • 700: Private folder, only user can change to it, list contents and add files (e.g. home directory)

Basic File Operations

Besides changing file permissions and listing directories you can of course also create, copy, rename, delete and create files and folders.

Copying files

Copying files can be done with the cp command:


Common options are:

-R, -r, --recursive   copy directories recursively
-a, --archive         preserve most attributes if possible
                      (such as owner, permissions), implies `-R`
-v, --verbose         explain what is being done

Renaming (moving) files

Renaming files can be done with the mv command:


Common options are:

-f, --force        do not prompt before overwriting
-i, --interactive  prompt before overwriting
-v, --verbose      explain what is being done

Removing files

Removing/deleting files can be done with the rm command:

rm [OPTION]... FILE...

Common options are:

-f, --force            ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt
-i                     prompt before every removal
-r, -R, --recursive    remove directories and their contents recursively
-v, --verbose          explain what is being done

Removing empty directories

Removing/deleting empty directories can be done with the rmdir command:


Common options are:

-v, --verbose   output a diagnostic for every directory processed

Money question: why would you need rmdir, when you can use rm -r?

Counter question: Why do you cut your hair with scissors when you could use the lawn mower?

rmdir will fail when the directory is not empty. Similarly, rm (without -r) will fail if you try to delete a directory instead of a file. This is simply a sane precaution. Use rm -r sparsely and only if needed and…

Never type rm -rf /


rm -Rf /

Creating directories

Creating new directories can be done with the mkdir command:


Common options are:

-p, --parents   no error if existing, make parent directories as needed
-v, --verbose   print a message for each created directory

Working with Text Files

Working with and editing (text) files on the command line is worth a full seminar. There are lots of tools you can use to work very effectively with text files on the command line.

We will cover some of these tools in future lessons, but some are also out of scope of this seminar.

In this lesson I will only present three basic tools: cat, tail and head.

Printing or concatenating files

The cat command reads one or multiple files (or standard input), concatenate them and print them on the standard output.

cat [OPTION]... [FILE]...

Common options are:

-n, --number          number all output lines
-s, --squeeze-blank   suppress repeated empty output lines
In [19]:
cat examplefile
This Is Line1
This Is Line2
This Is Line3
This Is Line4

Printing only the last lines of a file

Printing only the last n (default: 10) lines of one or multiple files can be accomplished with the tail command.

tail [OPTION]... [FILE]..

Common options are:

-n, --lines=K   output the last K lines, instead of the last 10;
                or use -n +K to output starting with the Kth
In [20]:
tail -n2 examplefile
This Is Line3
This Is Line4
In [21]:
tail -n+2 examplefile
This Is Line2
This Is Line3
This Is Line4

Printing only the first lines of a file

Similar to tail, printing the first n (default: 10) lines of one or multiple files can be accomplished with the head command.

head [OPTION]... [FILE]..

Common options are:

-n, --lines=[-]K    print the first K lines instead of the
                    first 10; with the leading '-', print
                    all but the last K lines of each file
In [22]:
head -n2 examplefile
This Is Line1
This Is Line2
In [23]:
head -n-1 examplefile
This Is Line1
This Is Line2
This Is Line3

Editing Text Files

Printing text files is neat, but most of the time we want to edit them.

Using input and output redirection (which we'll discuss in a later chapter) you can actually use cat, head and tail to edit files. But most of the time it is much more convenient to use a text editor.

There are a number of text editors for the command line. The most common are

  • nano (very easy to use, but not very powerful)
  • vim (very powerful, but takes a long time to learn)
  • emacs (as powerful as vim with higher RMS factor)



nano is very simple to use, but also doesn't provide many editing features.

All keyboard shortcuts are shown at the bottom. ^ means Ctrl. So ^X (the exit command) means Ctrl+X.

If you try to exit the program but changed your file, you will be asked if you want to save.



(.vimrc config in use at GitHub Gist, requires Vundle; Theme: Solarized Dark)

Correctly configured, vim provides all features of a modern text editor and most of certain development IDEs. However, it takes a lot of time to learn.

There are four modes in vim:

  • normal mode (default mode)
  • insert mode (the real editing mode)
  • visual mode (for selecting text)
  • command (ex) mode

When you start vim, you are in normal mode. Tap i to go into edit mode. <ESC> to go back to normal mode.

Type :w<ENTER> in normal mode to go temporarily to command mode and save your file.

Type :q<ENTER> to exit vim. If you changed your file but want to exit without saving, type :q!<ENTER>

There are some great web ressources about learning vim. A small selection:

Additionally, there is also the command vimtutor which comes with vim. It will interactively run you through all the basic editing features, vim provides.

Help! I Can't Remember Everything!

Keep calm, none of us can.

If you ever forget how a command works, try running it with --help or, if that doesn't work, with -h (but be careful, in certain cases -h may also mean something else than help). Most commands print basic usage instructions when provided with these flags.

For example:

In [24]:
mkdir --help
Usage: mkdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY...
Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
  -m, --mode=MODE   set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx - umask
  -p, --parents     no error if existing, make parent directories as needed
  -v, --verbose     print a message for each created directory
  -Z, --context=CTX  set the SELinux security context of each created
                      directory to CTX
      --help     display this help and exit
      --version  output version information and exit

Report mkdir bugs to
GNU coreutils home page: <>
General help using GNU software: <>
For complete documentation, run: info coreutils 'mkdir invocation'

If that is not enough, there is almost always a Manual page (short: Manpage), accessible through the man command:

man passwd

Manpage 1

Note the (1) behind the title. This tells you that you are currently looking at the manpage for the command passwd. If you want information about the /etc/passwd file, type:

man 5 passwd

Manpage 2

There is a total of 9 possible categories for Manpages. An extract from the man Manpage (man man):

1   Executable programs or shell commands
2   System calls (functions provided by the kernel)
3   Library calls (functions within program libraries)
4   Special files (usually found in /dev)
5   File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd
6   Games
7   Miscellaneous (including macro packages and conventions), e.g. man(7), groff(7)
8   System administration commands (usually only for root)
9   Kernel routines [Non standard]

Don't worry, if you can't remember them all. I cannot remember anything except for 1, 5 and 8 either.

Most of the time you'll get the right Manpage without explicitly specifying the number anyway. And if not, you know where too look it up.

End of Lesson 1

That marks the end of lesson 1. Next time we'll focus on some more advanced command line techniques. We'll cover:

  • Globbing
  • Environment variables
  • Basic scripting
  • Input/Output redirection and Piping
  • Background jobs

Thanks for listening.