We can accommodate a maximum of 20 students at a time in the SDC.
If any of your students have a disability or require special assistance to participate, please let us know in advance so that we can make appropriate adjustments.
Sie wollen Ihre Schüler*innen in den Themenfeldern der MINT-Studiengänge (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik) stark machen und ihnen helfen, die richtige Studienentscheidung zu treffen?
Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar bietet ein attraktives Angebot für Schüler*innengruppen, bei dem die MINT-Studiengänge mit besonderem Fokus auf Informatik und Bauingenieurwesen greifbar werden. In interaktiven Experimenten können sich Schüler*innen mit Interesse an technischen Studiengängen ausprobieren. Insgesamt gliedert sich der Parcours in zwölf Stationen, welche reale Einblicke in die Studieninhalte bieten. Unter fachkompetenter Anleitung können Schüler*innengruppen den Parcours vollständig oder – je nach Zeit und Interessenlage – einen ausgewählten Teil der angebotenen Stationen absolvieren.
Unser Parcours bietet:
Teilnehmerzahl: bis zu 25 Schüler*innen (empfohlen für 10.-12. Klasse)
Dauer: 2-3 Stunden für den gesamten Parcours (je nach Gruppengröße)
Wir ermöglichen individuelle Parcours-Termine für Ihre Schulklasse. Kontaktieren Sie uns!
Der Aufbau des »Meine Zukunft MINT« - Parcours wurde durch das Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung (TKG www.tkg-info.de) und den Freistaat Thüringen unterstützt.
As an alternative to the MINT Parcours or Experiment Boxes, which offer a variety of stations with different focuses, teachers have the option to request specific topics or focuses for their students to work on during a visit to the Science Discovery Centre. By choosing a particular topic, we will create a dynamic program tailored to the requested content, visit duration, and grade level. However, some of the more complex topics may require preparatory work to be completed in school before the visit. Therefore, we kindly ask teachers to contact us well in advance to ensure a seamless learning experience.
Teachers can find a list of currently available topics and focuses below. We are continually adding new activities and topics to our repertoire, so we encourage you to check our website regularly.
Topic | Focus | Example Activities |
Biology | Hygiene | Experiments with soap (elementary) |
Chemistry | Polarity | Create lava lamps with oil and water (elementary) |
Chemistry/Physics | Color | Rainbow in a glass, Chromotography |
Gases | Experiments with CO2 und O2 | |
Physics | Viscosity | Experiments with starches, create slime |
Pressure | Diver in a bottle | |
Technology | Robotics | SPIKE, Caliope |
Elektronics | Circuits | |
Engineering | Forces and stability | Towers, Bridges |
Mathematics | Geometry | SOMA-Cube, Quadratic puzzle |
The Science Discovery Centre offers experiment boxes that can either be used on-site by school classes or borrowed by local teachers for use in their own classrooms. The boxes are highly flexible and can be combined in any way to suit the specific needs of students. Their availability depends on whether they are currently at the centre or have already been borrowed. These materials provide an excellent opportunity to bring science topics to life in a hands-on and engaging way.
These are the experiment boxes we currently have in stock.
School teachers are welcome to contact us for more information, to arrange a visit, or to borrow the experiment boxes.
Starting in the fall of 2025, the Science Discovery Centre will offer exciting Escape Rooms. These provide visitors with the opportunity to explore scientific and technological topics in a fun and engaging way. As they work together to solve challenging puzzles, participants will learn more about scientific concepts and applications through interactive and entertaining activities. The goal is to escape the room by collaborating and thinking creatively while gaining valuable insights into the world of science and technology.
More information coming soon!
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