Discover the exciting world of science! Our project afternoons offer teenagers the opportunity to participate in fun and educational projects that take place over several weeks (4-6 weeks).
In small groups, teenagers can experiment, explore, and unleash their creativity. The projects are designed to make science engaging and to foster a love of discovery and learning.
From chemical experiments and physical phenomena to natural sciences and technology – there’s something for everyone! Together, we’ll explore exciting topics and ask questions like real scientists.
The project afternoons take place regularly at the center and provide teenagers with a unique opportunity to discover and deepen their interest in science. Join us and become part of our science adventure!
We look forward to seeing you there!
More information soon!
Join us for exciting science day camps designed for children and teenagers of all ages! These camps will be held during the school Easter break and fall break, offering hands-on activities, experiments, and fun projects tailored to each age group. During the long summer break, we’ll also host special Summer Fun Days packed with even more science-themed adventures. Dates and detailed information will be announced soon, so stay tuned for the chance to explore, experiment, and have fun with science!
More information soon!
Open Lab Days give students the opportunity to discover the exciting world of science. At our Science Discovery Centre, they can decide for themselves which projects they want to work on - whether it's growing crystals, building small robots or researching exciting chemical reactions.
The aim is to awaken the fun and fascination of scientific experiments and at the same time promote creative and research skills. Our supervisors are on hand to support and inspire the children with their projects.
More information will follow soon!
The Science Discovery Centre regularly hosts special events that are open to the whole family. Highlights include the MINT Christmas, featuring exciting experiments and creative workshops focused on science and technology in a festive atmosphere, and the Long Night of Science, where visitors of all ages can participate in a variety of scientific activities and engage hands-on. These events offer a unique opportunity to explore science in a fun and interactive way while learning together as a family.
More information for these events is published under >News<.
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