
Rurban knowledge network

Grafische Darstellung der Verknüpfung zwischen Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, ländlichen Ressourcen, "Institut für graue Energie", "Haus Bräutigam Schwarzburg" und dem Forschungsprojekt Vogtlandpioniere

The rural knowledge network serves as a platform for collective knowledge production between rural and urban areas. Actors, residents and experts in rural areas as well as researchers, students and lecturers at the university are dedicated to climate-friendly development and resilient design of the common environment in teaching, learning and research formats with equal rights. Those involved in the knowledge network can find the resources they urgently need in rural areas. The resulting knowledge and experience of various participants with diverse spatial backgrounds is exchanged and further developed in a spatially localized manner, resulting in new future perspectives.

The climate crisis and associated transformation processes pose a significant challenge for urban and rural regions alike, which cannot be mastered without integrating the previously neglected rural perspective. The associated transformation of agricultural value creation, energy infrastructure, resource use or mobility is closely linked to questions of quality of life, services of general interest and nature and landscape development as well as their multidimensional design. The knowledge network meets these tensions with a variety of topics, focal points and new forms of cooperative exchange between rural and urban perspectives.

Due to its location, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has a special responsibility and must become effective with innovative forms of cooperative knowledge production on questions of climate justice »on the doorstep« and understand this as a significant potential.

Participating persons:

Andrea Dreyer, Anna Paulina Graf, Till Hoffmann, Jessica Christoph, Sebastian Händschke, Noa Wilhelmi, Christine Leonie Dörner, Barbara Schönig, Johann Michael Schwind, Joern Hintzer, Andrea Lück, Atidh Jonas Langbein, Marvin Krämer, Carlo Bohlen, Leo Bockelmann, Annemieke Jansen, Nicolas Goez, Elodie Vittu, Ludwig Lorenz, Sigrun Langner, Fridtjof Florian Dossin, Maria Frölich-Kulik


Professorship of landscape architecture and planning

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrun Langner
landscape architect
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 32 59