SSH - Secure connection to servers

A secure connection to a server (the data is transmitted in encrypted form) can be established with these programs, among others:

Overview of the programs

SSH and SFTP Client Programs
Windows MacOS XLinux
SSH client for terminal connectionsSSH client integrated
(Licence: Open Source / MIT)
SSH terminal client for Mozilla Firefox (Browser plugin)
(Licence: »MPL«)
SFTP client for file transfer»WinSCP«
grafical SFTP and FTP client
(Licence: Open Source / GPL)
SFTP, SCP and SSH frontend
(Licence: BSD License)
FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3 and OpenStack Swift Browser
(Licence: Open Source / GPL)
FTP, FTPS and SFTP client
(Licence: Open Source / GPL)
FTP/SFTP client for Mozilla Firefox (Browser plugin)
(Licence: MPL)

Connection Setup

  • As host name or IP address (possibly also referred to as »Rechnername« or »Server«), enter e.g. (or another server on which you have a log-in).
    • Enter your login name as the user name (or »Benutzername«).
      (usually the user name of your university account)
      • As Password (or »Passwort« / »Kennwort«) you enter your password
        (usually the password of your university account)

Notice about possible connection problems

If you cannot establish a connection, it may be because you have saved an outdated, invalid host key. Look for this key in the Settings/Preferences area in the program you are using and delete it.
When you reconnect, the key is created again and you can log in and establish an encrypted connection.