The Thuringian vaccination centres will offer for the first time a (cost free) vaccination programme especially for students on the first weekend in July. Appointments for 3 and 4 July will be available on the website on Thursday, 24 June 2021. As the website is currently only available in German, please see the information below for basic guidance.
Eligibility for vaccination must be proven by means of a student ID (thoska) or certificate of enrolment in Thuringia. Residence in Thuringia is not mandatory. The vaccine offered is the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, of which only one vaccination is necessary for full immunisation.
How to book your appointment via
You will receive a confirmation via your e-mail address and/or an SMS to your mobile phone.
Update from 25 June 2021:
Students who prefer to receive a different vaccine can also book a different vaccination appointment via There is no longer a residence check for the appointment booking. Students can therefore book appointments even if they are no registered resident in Thuringia. The certificate of enrolment must be presented for the vaccination appointment.
» International Office Website on COVID-vaccination
» Press Release by the TMASGFF (in German)
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