The 2021 summer semester is about to begin at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Again, it will be a semester seriously influenced by the corona pandemic and will therefore have to be organised accordingly. How are we organising the 2021 summer semester?
A large proportion of courses will again be held digitally in the formats meanwhile tried and tested. Where necessary, these will be supplemented by in-person courses, but naturally only to the extent permitted under the corona regulations. In particular, we will enable smaller group events as well as work in laboratories and workshops. The library will also make its reading and working spaces accessible again from 26 April after the completion of the construction work. [Update from 26 March: The original opening date of the library on 6 April has been postponed again since the article was published, editor's note]. The decision on the format of the individual courses - whether purely digital, individual in-person events or hybrid formats in which one part of the group is present on site and the other joins digitally - is made by the respective instructors in consultation with the faculties.
At in-person courses, we want to ensure the greatest possible protection against infection for each and every participant. Therefore we have revised our protective measures and extended the obligation to wear at least a mask covering the nose and mouth (a so-called »everyday mask« or »MNB«) or a medical mask (»MNS«) to lecture halls and seminar rooms. We ask you to wear the specified mask during the entire event. The obligation to wear a mask covering the mouth and nose also applies for all routes within the buildings of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
If the general requirements concerning minimum distance and ventilation cannot be fulfilled at individual places, everyone present must wear a medical mask. Individual infection prevention concepts for such rooms or events ensure that the appropriate masks are made available to all participants by the university.
Starting in the 2021 summer semester, all central classrooms, such as the Audimax and the lecture halls at Marienstraße 13c, are equipped with thoska readers. These facilitate quick and comprehensive contact tracing within the university in the event of an infection. A decision concerning which additional rooms require such a device is to be taken in consultation with the faculties. Prior to every teaching event, please register electronically with your thoska when you enter the room by holding the card in front of the reader. If the device displays a seat number, please take the corresponding seat. This permits even more precise tracing of contacts. This system for electronic contact tracing also applies for the Mensa (dining hall) tent of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen, which re-opens at the start of the semester on 6 April.
Data protection is of highest priority in this context: your data is stored in encrypted form and will only be read by persons authorised by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar within the scope of necessary contact tracing. In rooms without a thoska reader, contact information will continue to be recorded in handwritten form and stored in a sealed envelope in the Deans’ offices. The health authorities will be notified in accordance with applicable pandemic regulations. All data collected will be deleted or destroyed after four weeks.
In the event of an infection, i.e. a positive corona test, anyone affected is strongly advised to self-quarantine. The university must be informed as quickly as possible via the contact form available at This is the only way to ensure that contacts can be quickly traced and individuals who may have been infected and may not be experiencing symptoms can be notified.
The fundamental hygiene regulations that have meanwhile become familiar continue to apply. Please make sure that you maintain a distance of at least 1.5 metres to each other when moving around in the buildings and on the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar campus. Regular airing out also contributes to reducing the potential virus load in rooms. Seminar rooms should be aired out every 20 minutes as a cross ventilation, where windows and doors on opposite sides of the room are opened for 3-5 minutes. To help support regular ventilation, rooms that are heavily used have been outfitted with CO2 meters, which emit a signal when it is necessary to air out the room. These meters measure the levels of CO2 and emit a signal when the concentration of airborne particles is too high. They switch from green to yellow and emit a sound when rooms need to be aired out. This alerts those present to the latest point at which airing out is necessary. Some lecture halls have been outfitted with Raumlufttechnische Anlagen (ventilation systems) which provide fresh air. In lecture halls B and D windows must not be opened, this will lead to the systems switching off.
A further important measure to curb the spread of the virus is voluntary rapid testing. Since the beginning of March, all persons in Germany have the right to one coronavirus rapid test per week free of charge. A negative rapid test result, however, must not lead to a less strict adherence to general measures such as reducing contacts, physical distancing and wearing a mask. Nevertheless the test may help to make necessary meetings somewhat safer and more pleasant for everyone involved. In addition, regular testing increases the chances of identifying infections at an early stage and curbing further spreading.
The city of Weimar has opened test centres at various locations, where testing is possible without prior registration. At the end of March, a test centre for students and employees will also open on the campus of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Further information will follow shortly.
By combining these various measures, despite the ongoing pandemic, we would like to make studying this summer semester as ideal as possible - offering a mixture of digital teaching and necessary in-person formats.
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