Dear students,
First of all, we wish to welcome you to the summer semester at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar!
In just a few days, the 2021 summer semester will begin – already the third semester affected by the coronavirus pandemic. We continue to be challenged as a university community to stick together under these difficult conditions and to work together to find solutions to pressing issues. Sometimes this takes longer than anticipated and creates conditions that are more strenuous than what we are used to in our constructive and creative collaboration.
This e-mail is intended to provide you with some general information about what your studies in Weimar will look like in the upcoming months. Many of the conditions and organisational details, however, depend entirely on the infection rate or must be clarified directly with your faculty and instructors; information on how to do this can be found in the links at the end of this e-mail.
The 2021 summer semester will again be a hybrid semester, meaning that a large proportion of courses will take place digitally and in other alternative formats that have been tested. These teaching formats will be supplemented by in-person events where the priority will be on labs and workshops, as well as group events with a small number of participants. The formats for individual courses will be decided by the respective instructors in consultation with their faculties.
Masks in all Classrooms
The obligation to wear an everyday mask (sometimes referred to as »Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung« or »MNB« in German) or a medical mask (sometimes referred to as »Mund-Nasen-Schutz« or »MNS« in German) now applies to lecture halls and seminar rooms. We ask you to wear the specified mask (making sure your mouth and nose are covered) during the entire event. If the general requirements concerning minimum distance and ventilation cannot be fulfilled at specific places in classrooms, everyone present must wear a medical mask. In these cases, the university will provide the appropriate masks free of charge. Masks must also be worn between rooms and on all paths in university buildings.
Registration via thoska
Starting in the 2021 summer semester, all central classrooms, such as the Audimax and the lecture halls at Marienstraße 13C, will be equipped with thoska readers. These facilitate quick and comprehensive contact tracing. Prior to every teaching event, please register electronically with your thoska. If the device displays a seat number, be sure to take the corresponding seat. Your data is stored in encrypted form and will only be read by persons authorised by Bauhaus-Universität Weimar within the scope of necessary contact tracing. In rooms without a thoska reader, contact information will continue to be recorded in handwritten form and stored in a sealed envelope in the Deans’ offices. The health authorities will be notified in accordance with applicable pandemic regulations. All data collected will be deleted or destroyed after four weeks.
Contact Tracing in the Event of Infection
In the event of an infection, i.e. a positive corona test, anyone affected must self-quarantine immediately. We urge you to take this seriously. The B.1.1.7 coronavirus mutation is much more contagious and it is only through consistent self-isolation that we can protect others from infection. In the event of infection, be sure to contact the university as soon as possible via online contact form: This will ensure that contacts can be quickly traced and individuals who may have been infected and may not be experiencing symptoms can be notified.
Rapid Tests to Contain Infection
Since the beginning of March, all persons in Germany have the right to one coronavirus rapid test per week free of charge. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has its own rapid test centre located at Bauhausstraße 7b (access via Belvederer Allee 4) where you can be tested free of charge. Prior registration is not required. The test centre will initially be open two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday 9 am to 12:30 pm and 1pm to 3 pm. The opening times will be adjusted in the future based on the demand for testing. Please take advantage of this opportunity--regular testing increases the chances of identifying infections at an early stage and curbing further spreading.
More information on Bauhaus-Universität Weimar‘s test centre
The city of Weimar has opened test centres at various locations, where testing is possible without prior registration:
In addition to these measures, the basic hygiene regulations still apply: wearing masks in all university buildings, be sure to maintain a distance of at least 1.5m, follow proper hand hygiene and ventilate rooms regularly. Rules for pandemic behaviour on campus
Advising Services
The ongoing pandemic has increased the level of stress in many instances. Whether it be financial challenges due to the loss of part-time jobs, the modified study situation, or restrictions in private life. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Studierendenwerk Thüringen advising services offer assistance in your everyday studies, organising your studies, and dealing with study-related personal difficulties. For more information on advising services, see the attachments and visit
Further Information on Study Conditions
Studierendenwerk Thüringen will once again be offering on-site food services in the Mensa tent starting on 6 April 2021. The same rules for electronic contact tracing in courses apply here.
The University Library will also be expanding their services at the beginning of the semester. Once construction in the former circulation area has been completed, reading and workstations will be available in all areas of the library starting on 26 April.
Regular updates on the developments throughout the upcoming semester can be found at:, where you will also find up-to-date information on studying under pandemic conditions. This is also where you can find links to information from the individual faculties. Be sure to keep yourself informed on internal faculty specifications.
All applicable regulations and answers to important questions on studying and working under pandemic conditions can be found in the FAQ section at
Through these measures, we hope to make studying in the summer semester as smooth as possible under the given conditions. We wish you a wonderful start to the 2021 summer semester—take good care of yourself and others!
On behalf of the entire Board of Governance.
Sincerely yours,
Christian Koch
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Download: Advising Services (Updated on 15 April 2021)
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