Im Wintersemester 2021/2022 gilt für alle Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen und Präsenzprüfungen die 3G-Regel. Für manche Studierende, Lehrende oder Gäste bedeutet dies, dass sie einen negativen Testnachweis benötigen, um an diesen Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen. Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar stellt vor diesem Grund ab dem 11. Oktober bis zunächst Ende November Selbsttests kostenfrei zur Verfügung, die unter Aufsicht durchgeführt werden.
The 3G rule applies for all in-person classes and examinations in the 2021/2022 winter semester. For some students, lecturers or guests, this means having to provide negative test results in order to participate in these events. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will be initially providing self-tests free of charge for the period of 11 October until the end of November; these tests are to be carried out under supervision.
This offer is specifically intended for those who are not yet fully vaccinated, students who have been vaccinated with a vaccine that has not received EU-approval by the Paul Erlich Institute, and those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.
When and where will the self-tests take place?
The tests will be initially be offered from Monday to Friday, 8am to 10am at the test centre on the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar campus, located at Bauhausstraße 7b (access via Belvederer Allee 4). Tests will be supervised by trained student employees. Please wait for your self-test in front of the test centre where you will be collected. You will be provided with a test and will administer it yourself. The test results will be available after about 15 minutes. If your test result is negative, the test monitor will issue you a certificate with the results. The certificate is valid for 24 hours and allows you to participate in in-person classes and examinations at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Be sure to keep the certificate on hand. You may be randomly checked before or during an in-person event, in which case you are required to show this certificate.
Be sure to allow yourself sufficient time to be tested as you may have to wait. Up to five people can be supervised at once while administering self-tests.
This offer is initially limited until the end of November, by which time everyone will have had the opportunity to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This will ensure that students who take advantage of the »Vaccinate Campus« on 8 and 15 October will have the opportunity to be fully vaccinated (i.e. two weeks after the second vaccination) and will not incur any costs for testing before they are fully vaccinated. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar expressly encourages those who are not yet vaccinated to take advantage of this offer. Individual vaccination appointments can also be made outside of the »Vaccinate Campus« event.
Students who have received a vaccine that has not been approved by the Paul Erlich Institute are eligible for free rapid testing until the end of this year at city test centres. This also applies to those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, such as women who are in their first pregnancy trimester.
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