Science and art for a strong democracy
The »Weimarer Wissensdialog« will take place on Friday at Herderplatz as part of the Weltoffenes Thüringen initiative's week of action. The aim of this special form of knowledge communication is to promote the freedom of science and art in a democratic society and to increase the acceptance of science. Participating researchers, artists and designers will present their projects and engage in dialogue with the city's citizens. The programme includes various hands-on activities designed to encourage those who live in Weimar to get involved:
Friday, 23 August| 12 - 6 pm
Herderplatz, Weimar
International PhD Network Summer Picnic

The IPN cordially invites you to a joint picnic on 1 September in the Park an der Ilm. You are welcome to bring your own snacks and drinks, e.g. from your home country; "Join us for a delightful afternoon of cultural exchange and relaxation at our upcoming picnic! This is a great opportunity to meet fellow Ph.D. candidates, share stories, and enjoy the beautiful surroundings "
To prepare the event well, the IPN team asks for feedback by 28.08. (Wednesday) to Pappal Suneja
1 September | Sunday - start 4 pm
Ilmpark, Römisches Haus (next to Roman House)
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"Over the past few months, the university community has helped to shape the 2026-2030 structure and development plan. The Pro.Doc was actively involved in the Senate and the University Assembly, although he was not part of the writing group.
As a result, the StEP emphasises support measures for researchers in the doctoral phase. The StEP states: ‘The promotion of doctoral candidates as actors in science and the arts is a central instrument for shaping and further developing the profile of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’ (p. 27). In order to enable equal, non-discriminatory and inclusive doctoral research, the university will critically scrutinise and adapt its processes and structures (p. 39). Specifically, for example, a monitoring system for racist incidents is to be developed (p. 40). Other planned milestones include improving responsible supervision for doctoral candidates and staff, expanding European and international networking and promoting funding and employment conditions that favour the successful completion of doctorates (p. 40). In addition, the university intends to prepare researchers for alternative career paths beyond professorship (p. 41). Furthermore, a bilingual, German-English administration is to be established as well as health and well-being programmes for university members are to be further expanded (p. 40). The StEP serves both to agree objectives with the responsible ministry and for internal communication. Dear doctoral students, stand up for your rights!
We will discuss more about this in our next Ph.D. General Assembly in November. The invitation will reach you via our Moodle. Sign up and stay up to date!"

In September, the 3rd Postdoc Appreciation Week will take place across Germany to celebrate the work of postdocs! Postdocs can take part in programmes offered by 60 different universities, institutions and networking initiatives, including short online inputs in German and English on funding, preparing for an appointment, alternative career paths and mental health.
16 - 20 September: Programm
Angebote für Promotionsinteressierte

Bauhaus.Modul »Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Recherche, Schreiben, Präsentation«
Im Verlauf des Semesters werden gemeinsam Schritt für Schritt die verschiedenen Phasen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens erarbeitet: von den Kriterien wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens über Recherchestrategien und Literaturverwaltung bis hin zu Zitierstilen, Schreibtechniken und Ergebnispräsentation. Der Kurs ist offen für Studierende und Promovierende aller Fachrichtungen offen.
14.10.-20.01.2025, immer montags
13:30-15:00 - online

DOKTORHUT - Infoveranstaltung zur Promotion
Der »Doktorhut« ist eine Informationsveranstaltung der Bauhaus Research School für alle, die eine Promotion in Erwägung ziehen. Wir informieren über Wege in die wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit, Voraussetzungen und Aussichten, die Promotionsmöglichkeiten unserer Universität und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten. Mit dem Doktorhut wollen wir Studierende ermutigen, nach ihrem Studium den Schritt in die Wissenschaft zu gehen.
17.10.2024 ab 10:00 Uhr - online

We will look at the different motives and goals of doing a doctorate, both individually and in a group. Participants will learn about the factors that can influence the decision for or against a doctorate and on the next steps they can take. Topics such as preparing for a doctorate and dealing with challenges will also be discussed.
25.10.2024, start 09.30 am - in Weimar
The Kulturstiftung Thüringen provides information on project funding and scholarships, gives tips on how to use the online portal and answers your questions. The events on 3 and 5 September are aimed primarily at those who already have experience of funding from the Kulturstiftung.
• 3 September, 4 pm - Q&A session on the KFP, project description, etc.
• 5 September 2 pm - Q&A session on KFP, project description, etc.
→ Appointments here!
→ info@
11.-12. September 2024
Neudeli-Kooperations-Workshop "From PhD to Innovator"
Discover the potential of your research topic and awaken your entrepreneurial spirit! Discover what it means to be an entrepreneur, explore your entrepreneurial strengths, and meet experienced role models, who will share their failures and successes. Also you will learn and apply the Design Thinking principles to refine ideas for potential products.
Young Entrepreneurs in Science in cooperation with Gründerwerkstatt neudeli is an interactive workshop programme for PhDs and postdocs to help you ignite your entrepreneurial spirit! Together with your peers, learn methods and skills to realise your innovative potential, led by professional innovation coaches.