Dear doctoral candidates at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Elections for the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Doctoral Council will be held in the 2024/2025 winter semester.
The election will take place online (electronic election) with a postal voting option.
The election will take place from 4 March 2025 to 9 March 2025.
Applications for postal votes must be submitted to the Election Office by 24 January 2025.
The Doctoral Council will consist of 8 mandates and 4 deputies. Candidates who are not elected as mandates will serve as deputies.
Publication of Electoral roll: 21 -24 January
Deadline for Election Nomination Submissions: 11 February
Online Election: 4 -9 March
1. | Publication of the election announcement | 21.01.2025 |
2. | Publication of voting registry (with the deadline of 01.12.2024) | 21.01.-24.01.2025 |
3. | Appeal against the Electoral roll period | 21.01.-24.01.2025 |
4. | Postal voting application period | 21.01.-24.01.2025 |
5. | Start of election nominations | 21.01.2025 |
6. | Deadline for election nomination submissions | 11.02.2025 |
7. | Deadline for candidate nomination withdrawals | 11.02.2025 |
8. | The Election Committee is responsible for processing any objections against the electoral roll and the approval of election proposals. | 12.02.2025
9. | Where necessary, review by the election review committee | 18.02.2025 |
10. | Announcement of approved election nominations | 18.02.2025 |
11. | Dispatch of the postal voting forms | 18.02.2025 |
12. | Deadline for postal voting | 09.03.2025 |
13. | Application for voter ID and password (access data for online voting) by eligible voters without university login | 21.01.-28.01.2025 |
14. | Online election | 04.03.2025 (starting at 9 am) - 09.03.2025 (until midnight) |
15. | Election evaluation, tallying of electronic and postal votes, preliminary election results and seat distribution by the Election Committee | 11.03.2025 |
16. | Announcement of the preliminary election results | 11.03.2025 |
17. | Election winners notified (3-day acceptance period) | 11.03.2025 |
18. | Announcement of the official election results | 17.03.2025 |
19. | Constitutive meeting of the Doctoral Council | April 2025 |
The members of the Doctoral Council are elected during a free, equal and secret ballot.
Only PhD students entered in the electoral roll are entitled to vote and eligible for election. The Electoral roll is based on the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar doctoral database as of 1 December 2024. A dedicated period is scheduled for inspection of the electoral roll.
The inspection of the Electoral roll is possible in the period from 21 -24 January 2025 possible.
The electoral roll is only accessible online within the university or via VPN access. If you do not have university internal or VPN access, please contact the Bauhaus Research School, research-school[at]uni-weimar. de.
If an objection is necessary due to a non-registration or incorrect registration, please use the form "Appeal against the Electoral roll".
Deadline: 24 January 2025
The Doctoral Council will consist of 8 mandates and 4 deputies.
The election is conducted as a majority election. Thus, only single nominations are permitted. The Doctoral Council makes up one constituency. Each eligible voter may cast 8 votes. Voters are not required to cast all 8 votes. Casting more than one vote for a single candidate is not permitted.
Candidates are elected to the Doctoral Council in accordance with the number of votes they receive with a minimum of one candidate from each faculty, provided a candidate has been nominated. The remaining seats are allocated according to the number of votes they receive, starting with the highest number of votes, regardless of faculty affiliation. Candidates who are not appointed as one of the 8 mandates are deputies.
The deadline for submitting election proposals to the Election Office is 11 February 2025.
Only eligible voters listed in the electoral roll may submit candidate nominations. Any doctoral candidates who is entitled to vote may nominate themselves as a candidate.
Election nominations are only valid if the appropriate online-form is used.
Nominations must contain the first and last name, title and faculty of both the nominee and the nominator. Each nomination must include a declaration of consent from the nominee, which,
Nominations must be submitted to the Election Office by the nomination deadline.
The elections shall take place entirely online. It is alternatively possible to vote by post.
Online voting will take place during the scheduled period 4 March 2025 (starting at 9 am) - 9 March 2025 (ending at 11.59 pm).
Eligible voters will be informed by e-mail about the upcoming election and will receive the link to the election portal. Eligible voter must log in with his/her university account to receive the access data to the election portal (voter ID and password). In the next step, a link leads to the election portal, where the eligible voter can participate in the election with his/her access data.
Eligible voters who do not have a university account will receive their access data and the link to the election portal by separate e-mail upon request, which must be submitted by the eligible voter to the electoral office (to wahlamt[at] by 28 February 2025.
The online election is governed by §§ 29(a) to 29(e) of the WahlO (Wahlordnung der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar). The online election is conducted through services provided POLYAS GmbH.
Eligible voters wishing to take part in the election by post must submit an informal application for the postal voting forms to the Election Office by the set deadline (24 January 2025) (by post or e-mail to wahlamt[at] The Election Office will send the voting documents to the domestic addresses provided to the university by eligible voters. If the voting documents should be sent to another address, the must be communicated to the Election Office by the set deadline (by post or e-mail to wahlamt[at] The election documents for postal votes will be sent to the address provided in the application.
Replacement voting documents may be sent to eligible voters who can credibly certify through written application that they have not received voting documents or received incomplete or incorrect documents. These must be requested in advance and may be picked up at the Election Office during office hours and upon presentation of official photo ID. If replacement voting documents are issued, the original documents are no longer valid. If replacement documents are lost, they will not be replaced. Acceptable forms of official ID are national ID cards, passports or drivers’ licences. As a general rule, replacement documents will not be sent to these people again.
Eligible voters will be given or sent the following voting documents:
Eligible voters may cast their votes by completing the required documents and submitting them to the Election Office. The postal vote must be submitted to the university by the last day of the election at the latest (9 March 2025). Postal votes may be sent by in-house post.
Eligible voters must complete their ballots personally and confidentially, place it in the ballot envelope and seal the envelope by gluing. Voters must sign the postal voting declaration, place it together with the sealed ballot envelope in the postal voting envelope, seal the envelope and submit via post.
The online election begins at 9 am on 4 March 2025 and closes at 11.59 pm on 9 March 2025.
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