Project information
submitted by
Natalia Castillo Rincón
Natalia Castillo Rincón
Ina Weise
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (english) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.))
Type of project presentation
Summer semester 2023
- Schwanseestraße 92 - Gaswerk
attractive to children
Project description
The project Minimum takes as its point of departure “Le Modulor” by Le Corbusier; nonetheless, the “universal man,” as the Swiss-born French architect calls it, is 1,86 m tall. Considering this “universal man,” Le Corbusier developed an average of measuring, which, even nowadays, is used in architecture. Generating a counterpoint for Le Corbusier’s proposal, I created “the Modulor” based on a “local woman”: myself. I am Natalia Castillo Rincón, an artist from Bogota whose height is 1,48 m.
According to the exercise proposed by Le Corbusier, the height from the floor to the ceiling of “Le Modulor” must be 2,26m tall, but the height I propose for this “local woman” is 1,70m. Hence, all the measures are scaled based on this new canon.