SCIENCE MILE Q3 - Open Day at Coudraystraße
Project information
submitted by
Dana Höftmann
Bauhaus-Institut für zukunftsweisende Infrastruktursysteme (, BuiltEnvironment-Management-Institute (B-M-I), F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde (FIB), Institut für Bauinformatik, Mathematik und Bauphysik (IBMB), Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau (IKI), Institut für Strukturmechanik (ISM), Fachschaftsrat Bauingenieurwesen
Prof. Tom Lahmer, Prof. Matthias Kraus, Prof. Conrad Völker u.v.m.
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Degree programme:
– Other –
Type of project presentation
– Other –
- Coudraystraße 4 - CIB
- Coudraystraße 11A
- Coudraystraße 11B
- Coudraystraße 13B
- Coudraystraße 13C
attractive to children
Materialforschungs- und Prüfungsanstalt (MFPA) Weimar
Project description
The Coudraystraße campus is located in the middle of the city. Behind glass and concrete, ideas for a green, liveable future are sprouting from here: take a look behind the rough facade and experience exciting experiments, inspiring lectures and fresh thoughts for dealing with the climate crisis, digital revolution and globalisation. For summaery2023 we offer interested (fence) guests a colourful bouquet of research and teaching on Friday, 14 July from 1 to 6 pm.
Be there and discover the research facilities of the »Faculty of Civil Engineering« and the »Materials Research and Testing Institute« (MFPA Weimar) at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar!
All information can be found on the event website
Email: dana.hoeftmann[at]
Exhibition Location / Event Location
Offene Labore, Führungen und Experimente zum Mitmachen SCIENCE MILE Q3 – Tag der offenen Tür in der Coudraystraße
- Begin: 13:00 pm
- End: 18:00 pm
Rundgang: 300 Meter Wissenschaft SCIENCE MILE Q3 – Tag der offenen Tür in der Coudraystraße
- Begin: 14:00 pm
- End: 15:30 pm
- Location: Coudraystraße 4 - CIB
Exklusive Alumni-Tour SCIENCE MILE Q3 – Tag der offenen Tür in der Coudraystraße
- Begin: 15:00 pm
- End: 16:30 pm
- Location: Coudraystraße 11 - Haupteingang FIB
Rundgang: 300 Meter Wissenschaft SCIENCE MILE Q3 – Tag der offenen Tür in der Coudraystraße
- Begin: 16:00 pm
- End: 17:30 pm
- Location: Coudraystraße 4 - CIB