ELSE’S STORY: The Life of the World’s First Woman Stockbroker
Project information
submitted by
Katrin Richter
Tobias Adam, Sharon Adler, Celina Berghaus, Jonas Böddicker, Franka Fetzer, Haonan Guo, Lilli Hallmann, Gerrit Heber, Ricarda Löser, Jana Mangold, Alexandra Noack, Rebekka Reichert, Leon Richter, Katrin Richter, Michael Thomas Taylor, Josephine Tiede, Kathrin Zeidler.
Katrin Richter
– Other –
Degree programme:
– Other –
Type of project presentation
Summer semester 2023
- Marktstraße 2/4 - LiteraturEtage
Freundeskreis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar e.V., Literarische Gesellschaft Thüringen e.V., Weimarer Republik e.V. (Bundesministerium der Justiz).
Gefördert durch die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Ausgleichsfonds, Diversitätsfonds, Frauenförderfonds, Kreativfonds, Publikationsfonds), den Freundeskreis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar e.V., die Sparkassenstiftung Weimar‒Weimarer Land und den Weimarer Republik e.V. (Bundesministerium der Justiz).
Project description
This is a true story—the story of Else Goldschmidt, the world’s first woman stockbroker. Her life was shaped by emancipation and audacity—and by emigration. Else Goldschmidt was born on July 11, 1898, in Berlin and died on December 19, 1975, in Johannesburg, South Africa, as Else Hirsch. Between these two events lie seventy-seven years of an extraordinary life. A chance discovery brought her story to light – now this book is telling it publicly for the first time.
ELSE ́S STORY is accompanied by 100-word texts by students and young scientists in order to transfer the past into a living culture of remembrance.
Katrin Richter, »ELSEˈS STORY. The World’s First Woman Stockbroker«, 100-Word-Texts: Celina Berghaus, Jonas Böddicker, Franka Fetzer, Lilli Hallmann, Gerrit Heber, Rebekka Reichert, Leon Richter, and Josephine Tiede, Translation: Michael Thomas Taylor, Book design: Ricarda Löser, Editing: Jana Mangold, Reproductions of archival photographs: Tobias Adam, Ethical advisor: Sharon Adler, LUCIA Verlag Weimar, 2023, 30 EUR, ISBN: 978-3-945301-71-5.
The proceeds from the sale of the books will benefit new student publication projects.
Email: katrin.richter[at]uni-weimar.de
Exhibition Location / Event Location
ELSEˈS STORY ‒ Exhibition ELSEˈS STORY ‒ Aus dem Leben der ersten Börsenmaklerin der Welt
- Begin: 17:00 pm
- End: 09/22/2023 16:55 pm
- Location: Foyer der Universitätsbibliothek, Steubenstraße 6, 99423 Weimar
ELSEˈS STORY – Reading and Book Presentation ELSEˈS STORY ‒ Aus dem Leben der ersten Börsenmaklerin der Welt
- Begin: 19:00 pm
- End: 20:30 pm
- Location: Marktstraße 2/4 - LiteraturEtage, Obergeschoss
ELSEˈS STORY ‒ Finissage ELSEˈS STORY ‒ Aus dem Leben der ersten Börsenmaklerin der Welt
- Begin: 17:00 pm
- End: 19:00 pm
- Location: Foyer der Universitätsbibliothek, Steubenstraße 6, 99423 Weimar