2.00 - 4.00 p.m. | Impulses & Teaching Award |
4.00 - 4.15 p.m. | Break |
4.15 - 5.45 p.m. | Idea Workshops & Methodology Workshops |
5.45 - 6.00 p.m. | Break |
6.00 - 7:30 p.m. | Idea Workshops & Methodology Workshops |
The short impulse contributions open up pointed perspectives on current developments and examples of innovative teaching and learning projects at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Opening | Larissa Barth
2.00 - 2.25 p.m. in German and English
Welcome | Prof. Dr. Winfried Speitkamp, Prof. Dr. Christian Koch
2.10 p.m. - 2.25 p.m. in German
Guest Impulse: Contemporary assessment in a culture of digitality | Christian Albrecht
2.25 - 2.40 p.m. in German
The digital transformation poses unprecedented challenges for the education system, because many beliefs that have been considered common sense in the teaching and learning discourse are being fundamentally challenged in the culture of digitality. However, the current culture of examination persistently tries to ignore these transformation processes: People write alone, in isolation, under proctoring. By hand. On paper. Without Internet access. The 21st Century Skills 'Communication' and 'Collaboration' are commonly regarded as forms of cheating in exams.
For a successful digital transformation of schools and universities, examination formats thus represent a bottleneck that every change process must pass through; Up-to-date teaching and learning design requires examination situations that reflect the conditions of digitality.
Students' perspectives on the digital semesters | Students
2.40 - 2:45 p.m. in German
with Sera Neumann, Paul Knopf, Michelle Reutter, Teresa Fischer, Maximilian Bürmeister, Sebastián Chiriboga Duque, Fabian Weber, Daniel Lauke
Video interviews, text and image contributions are presented to give an insight into student perspectives on the digital semesters. Students from different departments share their experiences of studying during the pandemic, and talk about difficulties and challenges, but also unexpected opportunities during the past semesters and their outlook on studying after Corona.
Hudson Valley Ecologies | Prof. Verena von Beckerath
2.45 - 2.55 p.m. in English
The Hudson Valley extends for several hundred kilometres north of Manhattan and is of high economic, environmental and cultural value for New York City and the towns, villages and landscape regions along the Hudson River. The interrelations and dependencies between town and country served as a starting point for the formulation of research questions, which were organised in six chapters: Alternative futures, Social justice networks, Food deserts in the land of plenty, Reverse commute, Small cities and The river that flows both ways. The experience and insights obtained on the journey from New York City to Hudson became collective ideas, which are reflected in the subsequent projects and their narratives. The teaching research project addressed social and spatial transformations against the backdrop of the Green New Deal.
The use of a text-based chatbots in the project module "Angewandte empirische Forschung" | Jonas Steffl
2:55 - 3.05 p.m. in German
As part of the fellowship program »Innovations in Digital University Teaching«, an automated chatbot is to be developed in order to support students in their learning and module leaders in their teaching. For this purpose, a text-based chatbot will be designed and implemented along the teaching content in the project module »Applied Empirical Market Research« in the master’s program Media Management. The concept includes four concrete application scenarios: student support, support of learning activities, self-testing of knowledge, and learning guidance. Thereby, recurring problems and questions will be answered automatically, in real time and without direct human intervention.
International 24h Urban Design Hackathon | Prof. Dr. Steffen de Rudder
3.05 - 3.15 p.m. in English
with Pola R. Koch und Martina Jacobi
The Urban Design Hackathon is a 24h online workshop for international students from European universities and part of the International Virtual Academic Collaboration (IVAC) program from the DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service.
Following the motto ‘Reanimate the dinosaur’, students are invited to develop future scenarios for obsolete structures of the urban environment while testing a new format of digital teaching and international collaboration - despite the pandemic and without environmentally harmful air miles.
The object of the first edition was the soon-to-be-closed Karstadt department store building in the lively district of Wedding, Berlin. In the second edition, students were asked to propose an urban transformation for Charité’s former animal testing laboratory, also known as “Mäusebunker.
Bauhaus.Module und Students' Learning and Teaching Projects | Ronny Schüler
3.15 - 3.35 p.m. in German and English
with Johannes Breuer, Galyna Sukhomud, Julia Albrecht
Bauhaus.Module and Students' Teaching and Learning Projects put a new spin on academic teaching at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar by providing a framework for multi- and interdisciplinary courses. Both formats are briefly presented during the “Day of Teaching” as well as the experiences with learning and teaching of participating students. In addition, this short impuls starts the next application cycle for winter 2021/2022.
Teaching Award | StuKo
3.35 - 3.55 p.m. in German
With the awarding of the teaching prizes, outstanding teaching during the previous semesters at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will be honored. In addition to the four faculty awards, a special award for hybrid teaching and an award for student teaching/learning projects will be granted.
Outlook on the further program | Larissa Barth
3:55 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in German and English
The 90-minute idea workshops in small groups offer an opportunity to develop ideas with interested parties, and find suitable partners for establishing collaborations.
Learning and teaching for an open society | Dr. Miriam Benteler und Dana Horch
4.15 - 5.45 p.m. in German and English
with Maria Caridad Moscoso Avila, Elizabeth Marie Watts, BIPoC-Group
In this workshop, we want to develop ideas and methods for learning and teaching for an open society through an open discussion. Guided by a set of leading questions, we want to discuss how university teaching can better meet the needs of international students, particularly with regard to counteracting racist forms of discrimination. We will also take a look at the social responsibilities the university has as an educational and scientific institution that consciously promotes internationalisation. Moreover, we will examine what tools for orientation the university provides for its members to help them work towards a more open society. The central focus of our debate is on the real possibilities for implementing low-discrimination and diversity-sensitive teaching and for organizing the coexistence of diverse groups of people on equal terms.
Student exchange about Bauhaus.Module | Ronny Schüler
4.15 - 5.45 p.m. in German and English
During the past six year, the Bauhaus.Module have been established as a suitable format for multi- and transdisciplinary learning and teaching. Complemented by Students’ Teaching Projects, they opened a broad field of experimentation for the academic teaching practice in Weimar. Nonetheless, the question of “How do we want to learn and teach in the future?” remains pressing and calls for constant evaluation and reflection. The Ideenwerkstatt “Student exchange about Bauhaus.Module” invites all students to share their experiences in learning. Together we want to collect wishes and develop ideas for the further development of these formats.
Intercultural learning in the (virtual) classroom – how to make it work? | Susanne Wille, Anke Schulze
4.15 - 5.45 p.m. in English
6.00 - 7.30 p.m. in German
with Prof. Dr. Steffen de Rudder, Martina Maldonado, Pola R. Koch, Nicola Hens, Franka Sachse
In this ideas workshop, we will reflect together on how intercultural learning settings can enrich seminars, lectures, projects and studios, what challenges are associated especially in the digital context, and how to deal with them creatively. Teachers will present formats and share experiences from the last semester, which we will use to engage in an in-depth exchange on important issues. All interested teachers and students are invited to contribute personal experiences, questions and suggestions in order to leave with concrete feedback, new impulses and fresh motivation.
Guest Idea Workshop: Digital competence assesment | Benjamin Eugster
4.15 - 5.45 p.m. in German
6.00 - 7.30 p.m. in English
Digital assessment is all too often reduced to closed, isolated and text-based exams. At the same time, the range of technological and instructional possibilities is much broader and reaches from open-book-exams to reflection-based portfolios to project-based forms of assessment. Based on a short input about digital competence assessment, this workshop will give space to share experiences with different assessment types at the university and potential innovations in your own teaching and assessment practice.
Room for reflection – how to find support and allies in digital class | Pol. B Referat Politische Bildung StuKo
6.00 - 7.30 p.m. in German and English
We perceive that the digital space considerably enforces hierarchies between students and teachers. How can we as students network and unite in online teaching when sexist, racist or other discriminatory acts occur in the lecture? We don't know any specific solutions either, but we would like to sit down with those interested and try to work with them to explore digital ways of networking, which would then also be disseminated via our channels as a result. – students only
Intersection to Transformation – Teaching in the New European Bauhaus | Mats Werchohlad
6.00 - 7.30 p.m. in German and English
with AG Bauhaus-Studium, Prof. Dr. Christian Koch
What kind of innovative teaching formats can be developed and implemented with the project of a New European Bauhaus at the university?
At the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, teaching forms the central intersection for new impulses and exchange between research, art, science and practice. In this Idea Workshop, teaching concepts and formats that were conceived in the context of the New European Bauhaus will be presented, discussed, and exchanged with the impulses of the working groups, as well as the positions of the students, and further thought will be given to them. We look forward to a critical and open exchange with you!
In 45-minute online methodology workshops, you have the opportunity to explore and try out new and innovative methods.
Difficulties and challenges in digital teaching | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kristina Doycheva
4.15 - 5.00 p.m. in English
Alice and Bob study in the second term. They have to submit their homework using a mailbox. They cannot find the mailbox. They have never been in the building of the responsible professorship. During the digital lecture, someone rang the doorbell just as the professor was explaining where the mailbox is. They call Oscar, the only fellow student they know. He doesn't know either. The lecture was too boring. He wasn't paying attention. The professor would like to help them ... if he knew them and if he was not constantly busy with technical problems.
How do we avoid such situations? In this method workshop, we show methods and tools that can be used to master the problems and challenges of digital teaching.
Flashcard reloaded - formative assessment in digital teaching | Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel
5.00 - 5.45 p.m. in German
Students learn effectively when they repeatedly test themselves, classically with flashcards or with the help of apps. Such formative assessments are also helpful for teachers, because they can be used to determine learning levels, misunderstandings, and typical problems. They thus have a direct impact on the design of teaching.
In the methods workshop, the advantages of formative tests will be discussed, their didactic use will be discussed, and possibilities for their use in digital teaching formats will be presented and explored.
Embedding interactive Moodle formats into teaching | Stepan Boldt
6.00 - 6.45 p.m. in German
with Laura Weitze, Lukas Lindemann
This methods workshop offers a look into the use of interactive Moodle activities. Together we want to try out H5P activities to find out how to integrate these interactive possibilities into our teaching. In doing so, we will take a closer look at our learning platform Moodle and aim for an inspiring exchange of experiences.
Multicultural/multilingual awareness: How do you feel when you don't understand a word? | Dr. Susanne Kirchmeyer, international students and staff
6.45 - 7.30 p.m. in various languages
There are many people studying and working at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar whose native language is not German. They have all experienced moments and situations in which (e.g. in a conversation) they did not understand what it was about or could not make themselves understood. What does it feel like when something like that happens? We want to explore this together during the breaks.
International staff members and students will give a brief insight into their language in various break-out rooms. Languages include Chinese and Farsi, Portuguese and Bulgarian, with more to come. Participants can take a 'language bath' for a short time and find out what it is like not to understand anything.
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