summaery2021: Projects

The distance between us. The splintering gap between my teeth.

Project information

submitted by
Kristin Jakubek

Philipp Waltinger, Adrian Ciesielski

Anke Stiller

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Media Art and Design -Study programme Media Art und Design (MAD) (english) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.))

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2021

Project description

A poem is read, slowly, several times over the course of one hour. The voice is used as a poetic instrument; a fragment of human presence to fill the room.

The sentences and passages of the poem function as alternating circuits, as they speak of a duality between ever advancing digitalisation processes, opposed to an idealised projection of ‘nature'.

Sound and space mirror the foreseen dualism between the digital and the natural.

Exhibition Location / Event Location

  • Trierer Straße 12, Fensterfront Treppenzugang
  • Trierer Straße 12, Fensterfront Treppenzugang
  • Trierer Straße 12, Fensterfront Treppenzugang
  • Trierer Straße 12, Fensterfront Treppenzugang
  • Trierer Straße 12, Fensterfront Treppenzugang
  • Trierer Straße 12, Fensterfront Treppenzugang


The distance between us. The splintering gap between my teeth. Einführung in die Performance Art

Indoor poetry-sound performance. Spectators look into the room from the outside. A poem is read slowly, several times over the course of an hour. The voice is used as a poetic instrument; A fragment of human presence that fills the room. Sound, space and action / movement sequences reflect the externalised dualism between the digital and the natural. Live sound performance Philipp Waltinger and Adrian Ciesielski Instagram Live @performanceartsose2021

  • Begin: 19:30 pm
  • End: 20:30 pm
  • Location: Fensterfront Treppenzugang