Tag der Lehre: reflect.project
That’s it for Tag der Lehre 2018!
Innovative projects. Digital concepts. Future challenges: The first ever Tag der Lehre took place on 30 May 2018 at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and provided a platform for ideas for teaching and the upcoming Bauhaus.Semester. Attendees were offered a peek into how digitalization takes shape using the brewing industry and an example and the opportunities that »Liquid Democracy« provides for the University. The virtual classroom and its potential as a teaching tool, whether internally or externally, was discussed in the workshops. This format was framed by a wealth of possibilities and concluded with a musical and culinary event in beautiful summer temperatures. The experiences and inspiration gained from this day will provide a reference point for the implementation of the Bauhaus.Semester 2018/19.
Was ist der Tag der Lehre?
Ideen einbringen, sich inspirieren lassen und Anregungen mitnehmen. Raum haben für Austausch und Reflexionen. Ins Gespräch kommen und Kontakte ausbauen.
Der Tag der Lehre ist eine Plattform für Diskurse, Präsentationen und Experimente rund um Studium und Lehre an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Zur aktiven Teilnahme und Programmgestaltung ganz herzlich eingeladen sind alle Studierenden und Promovierenden sowie Lehrenden und Mitarbeitenden der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Darüber hinaus dient der Tag der Lehre als Initialzündung für das bevorstehende Bauhaus.Semester 2018/19.
Interdisziplinärer Einführungskurs

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Einblick Lehre – Lehrmethodik

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Die Bildlichkeit der Architektur

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»Pattenbau« – Wichtigste Technologie ist Begreifen

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Baukasten Lehre

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What about the formats in 2018?
The impulses open up pointed perspectives on examples of innovative teaching and learning projects at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, which enable interdisciplinary study on a skilful connection between teaching, research and arts.
ACADEMIC COLLABORATION | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Koch
Interfaculty collaboration offers a variety of opportunities. At the same time, certain conditions must be present to ensure their success. Experiences from the Digital Engineering programme can serve as a jumping-off point. Impetus sketches out selected conclusions and potentials.
INVENTING THE PRESENT | Nora Gersie, Lynn Hoff, Mats Werchohlad
Complexity is increasing. Interdisciplinary is the buzzword of the moment. It is a word that says: nothing is as it used to be. Everything is in in flux. From a student’s perspective, this presentation reflects on forms of coexistence, commonalities and design possibilities that arise in these open spaces.
DIGITALITY | Prof. Dr. Matthias Maier
Media promote innovations in society, business and technology. For example, microprocessors trigger modifications that relate to the structure of the economy and the design of living environments. In creative undertakings, transdisciplinary points of contact with economics, computer science or social science are evident. Impetus sheds light on how these connections can be utilised at our university, especially during the Bauhaus.Semester.
ARTS & SCIENCE | Prof. Liz Bachhuber, Prof. Ursula Damm, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kraft, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexandra R. Toland
The profile of the Bauhaus University Weimar with its research-intensive and creative/artistic disciplines invites students to rethink teaching formats at the interface of art and science. Therefore, projects that repeatedly question and explore the boundaries of the different disciplines, their representative cultures and teaching methods are very promising. This round of discussions followed by a workshop will address the potential and challenges of arts & science Projects.
Blitzlicht introduces innovative teaching formats and new courses of study and offers a glimpse of the upcoming Bauhaus semester.
Inspired by the classical introductory course of the historical Bauhaus, which included all of the disciplines of the time, the Building Morphology professorship proposes an introductory course for all faculties in the Bauhaus semester 2018/19. Opening the introductory course in architecture to students of urban planning has already been a source of positive experiences that inspire the development of new collaboration and collective ideas.
Workshop: Öffnung, room 10
The Faculty of Civil Engineering is preparing to restructure and expand the current course of study for the Bauhaus semester in WiSe 2018/19 and WiSe 2019/20. It will present the current status of the preparations for the new curriculum and invite participants to a discussion in the subsequent workshop.
Workshop: Bau(haus)ingenieurwesen, room 021
Algorithmic art is the combination of programming and artistic product. A course concept will be presented that teaches bachelor and master students algorithmic basics, from graphic programming to interactive formats and installations. This removes high barriers to entry and enables fast results with the aid of powerful programming languages.
Workshop: Formate, Room 002
This film provides insights into teaching concepts and presents the subsequent projects that result, projects that take up international and interdisciplinary impulses. While the Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture focuses on the architectural design process in the Fundamentals of Design professorship to reflect the influences of other disciplines on the spatial thinking of architects, the Media Architecture Master's programme opens with an interdisciplinary introductory project that focuses on relations to digital technology.
Workshop: Formate, Room 002
Economic pressure and efficiency-mindedness have given rise to the streamlining of the healthcare system, which is expressed in interpersonal and spatial-design deficits. Theories on the holistic design of recovery architecture will be discussed during an interdisciplinary semester project with the help of lectures, interviews, plenary discussions and guest lecturer Workshops.
Experience from an international and cross-curricular teaching research project shows the potential of long-term cooperation between teachers and students. A one-year project with seminar, excursion, design studio and final exhibition will demonstrate that course development requires a combination of structured teaching and flexible time in the curriculum.
Workshop: Öffnung, room 109
THE IMAGERY OF ARCHITECTURE | Dr. Ulrike Kuch, Dr. Claudia Tittel
This film provides insight into an interdisciplinary course that looks at buildings from both an architectural and media-science perspective. The focus is on the aspects of collaboration, which are characterised by the main focus and interests of the teacher as well as the content, the seminar format and the mix of participating students.
INTERVENTION MAKES A CITY | Selina Müller (Space Station Collective)
A project aiming at the collective development of an intervention through flat-hierarchy processes aligned along students’ own topics and impetus will be presented. The background is the grass roots democratic approach to working methods in the collective and associated creative methods in the perception and exploration of cities.
Is it possible to convey a conceptual understanding of spatial contexts using a modular system? The film explores this question using the teaching/learning and communication tool "Plattenbau," which is based on the spatial concepts of the early Bauhaus and can be applied didactically in a variety of teaching contexts and disciplines.
Workshop: Formate, Room 002
CRITICAL VR LAB | Jörg Brinkmann
The laboratory serves as a meet-up venue for a common, artistic-critical examination of the opportunities and challenges of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). To this end, the Digital Bauhaus Lab performance platform will be available as a classroom, laboratory and showcase for research in the fields of media art, game studies and digital culture and made accessible to other disciplines.
Workshop: Virtuelle Welten, Room 207
To mark the Bauhaus jubilee, an audio walk will be set up and reinvented on the campus. Whether immersive, virtual reality or off-line, in addition to the narrative technique, the playback technology will be particularly innovative. This is an invitation to exchange ideas with interested parties from other disciplines and pursue the idea of a joint research pool on Bauhaus locations in Weimar.
Workshop: Virtuelle Welten, Room 207
PEER-REVIEW WITH VIRTUAL REALITY | Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider
The interdisciplinary teaching concept "Design by Research" links the three disciplines of architecture, psychology and computer science with the aim of designing buildings from the user's perspective. With the help of virtual reality and a questionnaire tool developed in-house, students can systematically evaluate their own designs in a peer review process. The results contribute to the improvement of building designs.
Workshop: Virtuelle Welten, Room 207
TEACHING TOOLKIT: MODULAR CONTENT FOR INTEGRATION INTO COURSES | Josephine Zorn, Michaela Peisker, Susann Hippler, Anke Schulze
The "Teaching Toolkit" bundles various content with elements that can be integrated into courses. The content is scalable, can be adapted to courses of study and can be customised. In some cases, they can be carried out as a self-study course. The following will be presented: Intercultural Education, Academic Work, Creativity And Innovation Techniques as well as Professional Guidance, Applications and Soft Skills.
Workshop: Vielfalt, Room 102
»bauhaus.mobil« Maximilian Wunsch, Lena Klopfstein
The student teaching project "bauhaus.mobil" was developed as part of the Mobility Management module at the professorship of Transport System Planning and aims to make the spatial mobility of students, employees and guests at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar sustainable and tailored to their needs. Conceptual fundamentals, interdisciplinary links and practical application scenarios will be presented.
Workshop: Begegnung, Oberlichtsaal
In the 2018/2019 Bauhaus semester, a lecture series will take a closer look at the relations between Bauhaus and gender. It aims to shine a light on gender in research and teaching in the various disciplines and epochs. The workshop that follows is an open call to discuss the specific orientation of the lecture series and to offer suggestions for guests, topics and modalities.
Workshop: Vielfalt, room 102
THE UNIVERSITY GALLERY OF THE BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR | Prof. Björn Dahlem, Prof. Jana Gunstheimer, Prof. Johannes Kühn
The University Gallery is an intellectual building, a Bauhaus of thoughts, ideas and works. The aim of the interdisciplinary cooperation between Fine Art, Design and Structural Design is to build an exhibition pavilion for the Bauhaus Year. The team will present the current status of its concept and invite participants to discuss further use concepts.
Workshop: Begegnung, Oberlichtsaal
How does the individual creative design process work; is there an ideal model? What intellectual disputes take place, and what useful knowledge can be gleaned from study? These questions are the focus of a planned lecture series, which experts in Product and Communication Design will create in a collaborative effort.
Workshop: Begegnung, Oberlichtsaal
The market presents posters with project ideas, gives an overview of funding options and lets you explore opportunities for collaboration.
Bauhaus Research School
Enrichment of teaching through doctoral students
Institutional Development
Results of the graduate Survey
»Studium.Bauhaus« Project
Presentation of funding opportunities to support the teaching & online learning course "Academic Work"
Advice on digital media in teaching, media production, eTutor training, eTeach certificate, teaching-learning Research
Careers Service
Career orientation during studies
Language Centre
Acquisition and development of foreign language skills
International Office
Mobility for teaching staff and visiting teaching staff
Equal Opportunity Office
Women's promotion fund
University Library
Individual classes or subject-specific training in the context of Courses
Office of Student and Academic Affairs
Advice on transferring credit and recognition
Research Department
Art and Design Projects Funding Programme
The workshop gives you 90 minutes to develop ideas with other interested participants in small groups to find suitable partners.
The workshop invites you to learn about teaching and learning methods using selected examples and to develop your own ideas.
Room 002
- Die Kunst des Entwerfens: Here we discuss considerations on artistic and scientific mediation with interdisciplinary topics: "From the approach to an idea" and "From sketch to construction". Within an international exchange with partner universities in Germany and abroad, we will compile the importance and comparison of different approaches and tools in the design process based on interdisciplinary basic Research. Prof. Heike Büttner, Daniel Guischard, Clemens Helmke, Laura Stroszeck (Professur Grundlagen des Entwerfens, Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik)
- Digitaler Atlas: The »Digital Atlas« is the first publication and documentation platform in the field of contemporary design theory. Funded by the eLab, it enables the collection and processing of important contributions from teaching and research. At the same time, it allows the mutual linking and sustainable documentation of those contributions. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Willmann, Michael Braun (Professur Theorie und Geschichte des Design, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
- »Plattenbau«: The teaching/learning and communication tool »Plattenbau« is based on the space concepts of the young Bauhaus and can be used didactically in a variety of teaching contexts and disciplines. Try it! Julia Heinemann (Professur Bauformlehre, Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik).
The Faculty of Civil Engineering presents its thoughts on the course portfolio and invites participants to a discussion. Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus Gürlebeck (Professur Angewandte Mathematik und Studiendekan), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Conrad Völker (Professur Bauphysik), Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Carsten Könke (Professur Baustatik und Bauteilfestigkeit), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Plank-Wiedenbeck (Professur Verkehrssystemplanung) und weitere.
Room 021
The workshop outlines ideas for taking gender, diversity and interculturality into account in studies and teaching.
Room 102
- Interkulturelle Bildung: What significance does intercultural competence have for joint study and research at our internationalized university and which formats fit well into the curriculum and existing teaching formats? You are cordially invited to help in shaping the project with your experiences, wishes and ideas. Anke Schulze (Dezernat Internationale Beziehungen).
- Ringvorlesung »Bauhaus & Gender«: What can a lecture series look like that focuses on the relations between the Bauhaus and gender and that concentrates on gender in research and teaching in the various specialist groups and epochs? Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Bee (Professur Bildtheorie, Fakultät Medien), Ricarda Löser, PhD (Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) .
The workshop creates a space for an exchange of ideas on the links between teaching, art and Research.
Room 105
- Studienangebot »Arts & Science«: What is needed for a study programme that adequately combines artistic and technical skills and prepares students for the challenges of future activities at interfaces between technology and design? Continuation of the discussion round about potentials and challenges of concrete Arts & Science projects and study Programmes. Prof. Liz Bachhuber (Professur Freie Kunst, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung), Prof. Ursula Damm (Professur Gestaltung Medialer Umgebungen, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eva Hornecker (Professur Human-Computer Interaction, Fakultät Medien), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kraft (Professur Biotechnologie in der Ressourcenwirtschaft, Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra R. Toland (Professur Arts and Research, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung), Prof. Dr. Charles A. Wüthrich (Professur Grafische Datenverarbeitung, Fakultät Medien).
- My collaboration with bacteria for paper production: My workshop invites users to think of the symbiotic relationships between human and non-human organisms while examining a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). Mindaugas Gapsevicius (Professur Gestaltung Medialer Umgebungen, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
- Glasstudio: Glaskunst-Workshop: The workshop focuses primarily on the preparation of a glass model and thus shall (re-)establish glass art. All finished works are to be exhibited. Julian Herstatt (Student Freie Kunst, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung), Sina Stolp (Studentin Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
Öffnung (OPENING UP)
The workshop is dedicated to the question of how courses can be opened up to students from different disciplines and how their diverse perspectives can be incorporated for the benefit of everyone involved.
Room 109
- Interdisziplinärer Einführungskurs: The Professorship »Bauformlehre« suggests an interdisciplinary introductory course across faculties for the Bauhaus-Semester 2018/19. You are cordially invited to open new cooperations and to develop common ideas. Dr.-Ing. Luise Nerlich (Professur Bauformenlehre, Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik).
- Von Elementen des Wohnens zu Formen von Gemeinschaft: An interdisciplinary design studio and an accompanying lecture for students in the 3rd semester will be proposed in cooperation with »Bauhaus Eins« for the upcoming Bauhaus-Semester. We invite you to discuss the course offerings. Prof. Verena von Beckerath, Jessica Christoph, Niklas Fanelsa, Till Hoffmann, Henning Michelsen (Professur Entwerfen und Wohnungsbau, Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik).
- Drehbuchzirkel - Der Weg zum eigenen Drehbuch: The script course offers students the opportunity to develop their own scripts. Regardless of their discipline, they get to know the basics of writing scripts. Jano Kaltenbach, Jessica Krecisz, Mirko Muhshoff (Studierende Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
The workshop adopts examples of visual and acoustic virtual worlds and discusses their use in teaching.
Room 207
- Critical VR Lab: Which possibilities does the Critical VR Lab offer as a teaching room, a laboratory and a venue for research in the areas of media art, game studies and digital culture? Jörg Brinkmann (Professur Gestaltung Medialer Umgebungen, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
- Immersives Audio: How to artistically handle immersive audio? Which narrative possibilities and which new aesthetic approaches does this technique offer? We invite you to discuss these issues with us! Astrid Drechsler, Fabian Kühlein, Dr. Teresa Carasco (Professur Experimentelles Radio, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
- Peer-Review mit Virtual Reality: Move through digital (student-designed) buildings and become familiar with the integrated peer-review process for systematically assessing Buildings. Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Olaf Kammler, René Weiser (Professur Informatik in der Architektur, Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik).
- Virtuelles Haus am Horn 1923: Here are the first results of the virtual version of »Haus am Horn« in 1923, developed by students. Prof. Andreas Kästner, Dr.-Ing. Sabine Zierold (Professur Darstellungsmethodik, Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik)
- Architectural Modelling with V-Ray Tools: I will introduce to a course concept that teaches thinking in 3d Environments. Ulas Yener (Student MediaArchitecture, Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik).
- Digitale Medien in der Lehre: The eLab shows in various stations how teaching with media usage can be supported, e.g. Legetrick production, eTutor qualification and apps for spatial imagination and augmented reality. Also get to know the new course programme of the eTeaching certificate. Dominic Dives, Steven Mehlhorn, Michael Montag (elab und Professur Instructional Design, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung), Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Söbke (Professur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen).
The workshop discusses places and formats for exchange and reflection.
- Republic of Spirits – Republik der Geister! Das Bauhausfest der Weimarer Hochschulen: The universities of Weimar celebrate the Bauhaus anniversary in their main buildings: the Princely House on the »Platz der Demokratie« and the historic founding place of the Bauhaus. Twenty rooms are connected by the Ilmpark and the »Tempelherren-Haus« and multimedia-based utilized by students from both universities. Prof. Elmar Fulda (Vizepräsident für künstlerische Praxis und Professor für Musiktheater, Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar), Maximilian Merkel (Universitätskommunikation).
- Hochschulgalerie: We invite you to discuss previous considerations for a university gallery and to outline further usage concepts. Prof. Björn Dahlem (Professur Skulptur, Objekt, Installation, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung), Prof. Jana Gunstheimer (Professur Experimentelle Malerei und Zeichnung, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung), Prof. Johannes Kühn (Professur Entwerfen und Baukonstruktion, Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik).
- »bauhaus.mobil«: We welcome ideas to make the spatial mobility of students, employees and guests of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar sustainable and tailored to their Needs. Lena Klopfstein und Maximilian Wunsch (Studierende Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
- Prisma: Show your colours! The lecture series »Prisma« opens the space for positions of students of product design and opens the forum for discussions. Antonia Ney (Studentin, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
- Between the Frames: Vorlesungsreihe Video: What can time-based visual art be 100 years after Moholy-Nagy? As part of a series of lectures, the current understanding of the medium video will be discussed and expanded. Ioannis Oriwol (Student Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
- Sounds great! The unexplored Weimar: The goal of the project is to experience the city of Weimar through a musical approach. According to the participants’ awareness and feelings about the city itself, we would like to propose a series of workshops during which we will perform outdoor walks and record the sounds of Weimar. Nikola Kekerovic und Edoardo Antonio Tedde (Studierende Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
The workshop unites approaches to art, crafts and the urban environment.
Corridor, 2nd Floor
- Handbound Books: The goal of this workshop is to familiarize artists with hand-bound book binding tools and techniques so that they are confidently equipped to employ a book as a platform to display their creative thoughts, drawings, photographs, etc. Asha Lester (Studentin Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
- Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think? A workshop for building an ironic drop sculpture: My project aims at developing a critic understanding on the topic of Irony, what it is and how it can be represented within a sculpture in public space. Constanza Carvajal (Studentin Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
- Seeking Unseen: The intention of my project is to create various routes through discussions, in order to awaken one’s interest paid to the built environment, concentrated on the public areas within the cities. Yagmur Ruzgar (Studentin Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung).
- Intervention MACHT Stadt: We present a project that aims at the joint development of an intervention through low-hierarchy processes along own topics and impulses of students. Kollektiv Raumstation: Hannah Doll, Selina Müller, Miriam Neßner (Studentinnen Urbanistik, Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik).
We want to work with you to plan the Bauhaus semester. The results from the workshop will be presented and, ideally, placed within the semester. The Bauhaus semester will thus emerge piece by piece.
Idea: preparation and vision
Format: discussion and visualisation
Invited to participate: all participants