Looks Like Music
Project information
submitted by
Katja Hettich
Clovis Ambert, Marin Anglaret, Maia Champrobert, Mila Chassagne, Naïma Dutour, Benjamin Gaillardin-Claeys, Élise Garnier, Mathilda Hennig, Tessa Kleinschmidt, Marie Kling, Nadine Koupaoglou, Sofia Krause, Maya Kurth, Mia Le Mounier, Océane Le Tiec-Gimbert, Cécile Noël, Énola Outin, Leonie Schaefer, Paul Waldorf
Katja Hettich, Eva Krivanec
Degree programme:
Media Studies - Study programm European Media Culture (EMK) (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Licence en Information-Communication (L.I.C.))
Type of project presentation
Summer semester 2024
- Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7
Do, 18:20 Uhr II Fr, 13:30-18:30 Uhr II Sa, 13:30-18:30 Uhr
Project description
Music is heard, but also experienced with all the senses. Alone. With others.
In the seminars "Musical Moving Images" and "Songs Crossing Europe", French and German students of the B.A. program "(European) Media Culture" explored the potential of music as an interpersonal and transcultural space of experience, as well as the connections between music and film images. The resulting short essays and creative works of various kinds will be shown: music videos, short films, photos, pictures, collages, installations.
Email: katja.hettich[at]uni-weimar.de