summaery2024: Projects

OLN | Zu Gast bei...

Project information

submitted by
Geeske Janßen und Moritz Wehrmann

Jülide Alemdar, Linn Ammenhäuser, Leo Beck, Helena Biermann, Melissa Bolz, Clark Böttcher, Tim Bouvard, Justin Brandt, Miro Breit, Leonie Buschmann, Manon Decastille Armand Doulat, Lara Victoria Ebmeier, Marie-Louise Gans, Johanna Heiland, Meggy Helbig, Lina Herrmann, Helena Hesse, Maja Hiller, Angelina Koba, Katharina Langenhan, Boxiao Li, Caroline Ludewig, Hanna Malkus, Tom Peters, Henriette Quandt, Henri Räck, Johanna Rosam, Jona Rübner, Renata Scharnagl, Lennart Simon, Thuy Trang Vo, Louise Wäldele, Paula Zabel

Geeske Janßen, Moritz Wehrmann


Degree programme:
Media Studies - Study programm European Media Culture (EMK) (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Licence en Information-Communication (L.I.C.)),
Media Studies (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2024

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Schwanseestraße 143 - S143
    (1.06 b.m.b. Labor)

Fr 15-22Uhr

Project description

As part of the Werkmodul "Zu Gast bei..." ("Guests at..."), we have visited various places around the university throughout the semester. These visits were planned and conducted by student groups.

This exhibition presents the impressions and experiences from these visits. The aim was to experience and rediscover the university not only as an educational institution but also as a social and diverse cultural space.

Students of Media Culture and European Media Culture participated in this journey of discovery, making new contacts and gaining new perspectives on the university. The exhibition is intended both as a presentation and as a counter-invitation, where those visited and, of course, all interested parties are invited to experience the diversity of the university on a personal level in this unique composition. Come and experience the university through the eyes of those who have rediscovered it.

Exhibition Location / Event Location