summaery2024: Projects

OLN | Weaknesses while browsing and how to protect from them

Project information

submitted by
Nathalie Jolanthe Lang

Marcus Almert

Nathalie Lang, Stefan Lucks


Degree programme:
Computer Science and Media (english) (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2024

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Schwanseestraße 143 - S143
    (InfoSec Lab, R. 2.33)

Open-Lab Night, Freitag, 12. Juli 2024, 17 – 22 Uhr

Project description

Every day, we browse the internet, but how secure are the tools we use? How secure are the websites we visit and the browsers we use to access them? Join us as we explore common security flaws and provide tips for secure browsing. Additionally, everyone will have the chance to test their skills by hacking an online shop. Who can find the most vulnerabilities?

Exhibition Location / Event Location