summaery2024: Projects

SMQ3 | Closed loop or one-way street? - Path of textiles

Project information

submitted by
Isabell Maria Lange

Lina Brettin, Luise Magdalena Würfel, Nicolas Schwenke, Alina Alessandra Belinc

Isabell Maria Lange

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Degree programme:
Environmental Engineering (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation
– Other –

Summer semester 2024

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Coudraystraße - SCIENCE MILE Q3
    (Innenhof Coudraystraße 10)

Aktives Programm 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr (+ Ausstellung ganztägig)

Project description

What happens to our clothes after we throw them in the collection containers? How are they being processed? What recycling options are there for used textiles? In light of the growing scarcity of resources and environmental pollution, it is crucial to find innovative solutions for the textile sector.
From reuse in second-hand stores to upcycling into new products and use as a raw material for the production of new textile goods, the possibilities are varied and exciting. The reuse of textiles is an important aspect of the circular economy, and it is a topic that has been addressed in the master's project „Closed loop or one-way street? - Path of textiles “.
Dive with us into the world of textiles. Take part in the identification different fabrics and gain deeper insights into our project. We offer the the opportunity to carry out textile analyses on a small scale - with technology that is utilized in the industry.
Are you curious about what your clothes are made of? Bring them over and we'll analyze them together.

Exhibition Location / Event Location