summaery2024: Projects

Experimental Practice Haus Bräutigam – Garden Amateures

Project information

submitted by
Till Hoffmann (Projektleitung)

Antonia von Arnim, Emily Bielmeier, Hannah Bosch, Luisa Christa, Gianna Kraut, Meret Lewis, Klara Löchte, Elena Mertens, Eva-Maria Mühling, Ian Ozeroff, Anneke Pastoor, Nico Pöhlmann, Simon Ruff, Mingxin Xu, Amelie Zillmann

Christine Dörner, Till Hoffmann, Dr. Maria Frölich-Kulik, Jessica Christoph, Hannah Kordes; Gäste: Prof. Verena von Beckerath, Professur Entwerfen und Wohnungsbau; Ferenc Benke, Elise Marwitz, Gemüsebande Solidarische Landwirtschaft; Karsten Holzapfel, Holzapfel und Konsorten; Lukas Pappert, Habitat Unit, TU-Berlin; Fabian Schneider, Professur für spezielle Botanik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; zwikr studio, Martin Zwahlen & Kateřina Krupičková

Architecture and Urbanism,
Art and Design,

Degree programme:
Architecture (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)),
Architecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
European Urban Studies (english) (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Product Design (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2024

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 - Hauptgebäude / Main Building
    (Raum 102)

Available during summaery opening hours

attractive to children

Participation in the Bauhaus.Modules

Haus Bräutigam e.V.

Project description

“The world of gardens includes gardeners. Without them nothing would exist. But it also attracts broadcasters, propagandists, entrepreneurs, contractors, journalists, and a crowd of scholarly people polished in the art of speaking about it who are called (in French) “amateurs,” from amare, to love. The garden “amateur” is not someone who dabbles. He is thorough, travels, compares, makes enquiries, attends exhibitions, discussions and symposia, forms an opinion, constantly refining his knowledge. He is a scholar.”
Gilles Clement: The Wisdom of the Gardener, Berlin, 2017

The project takes the neglected garden of the former guesthouse Haus Bräutigam in Schwarzburg, Thuringia, as a starting point to examine the idea of a garden from different disciplines. The central question is how a future idea of the garden can be modeled against the background of complex realities such as climate change, scarcity of resources, threats to biodiversity, but also social, idealistic and aesthetic contexts.
The project is funded as a NEB.Regionallabor by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and takes place as part of the Experimental Practice Haus Bräutigam seminar series, which is alternately organized at different professorships of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. It is supported by the MITMACH-Ding (mobile participation laboratory at Bauhaus Universität Weimar).

Email: till.hoffmann[at]