Bücher über Bücher
Project information
submitted by
Marcel Saidov
Marcel Saidov, M.A.;
Pio Rahner, Dipl.-Designer
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Visual Communication (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)),
Visual Communication (Master of Arts (M.A.))
Type of project presentation
Summer semester 2024
- Marienstraße 14
(1 OG)
Available during summaery opening hours
Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen
Project description
In the project ""Bücher über Bücher" (Books about books), we will deal with books from a photographic and typographic perspective. Based on an examination of works in the Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen Bremen, we intend to utilize the works stored there as a basis for our own work. The works in the archive should be seen as a starting point for developing a contemporary work. In our research, we will look at the design and conception of books in order to understand them from a photographic, typographic and curatorial perspective. Each project should result in a printed publication that has a contemporary perspective and is conceptually based on history.