summaery2024: Projects

Laundry Day Reverie

Project information

submitted by
Kiki Möller

Lola Heyse, Carmen Ghali, Carmen Kalata, Rebecca Hilbel

Isabella Lee Arturo

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Media Art and Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.))

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2024

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Bauhausstraße 15

Available during summaery opening hours

attractive to children

Project description

It’s laundry day in the B15 basement - lost in reverie, a rift in time is created - two multimedia installations, lots of textiles, projections and a touch of kitsch, dystopia & intimacy.

“I’m not a robot” is a telephone game installation and an interactive performance. By engaging with a “Human Artist Avatar” during the performance, the audience must prove their humanity to the real-life captcha automat, each person constructing a little part of a collaborative installation.

Why do we deal so little with smells, even though we are constantly surrounded by them? Why do we talk so much about things we've heard or seen, but not really about things we've smelled?
Fragrances are fleeting and vague, they have something mystical and do not always fit our beloved pigeonholing. We tend to let them pass in their fleetingness.
„Ethereal Intimacy“ captures this fleetingness wanting to create more awareness for being present. It shows a part of a work-in-progress poetry book by Kiki, that is divided into chapters, each associated with a smell/ perfume. The scents and the texts are mutually translating her emotions regarding them.
Come to read and feel and wallow in reminiscences surrounded by a textile fort to hide in, like the ones built as a child.

Email: kikisheartofhearts[at]

Exhibition Location / Event Location


I’m not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not.

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 13:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller

I’m not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not.

  • Begin: 16:30 pm
  • End: 17:30 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller

I’m not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not.

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 13:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller

I'm not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not.

  • Begin: 16:30 pm
  • End: 07/13/2023 17:30 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller

I’m not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not.

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 13:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller