summaery2024: Projects

Finishing the Puzzles - four interventions before it topples!

Project information

submitted by
Tilman Victor Böhnke

Paulette Breuhahn, Mira Musawwira Emmerling, Malte Gunst, Lukas Matthias Holfeld, Paul Schilling, Henriette Fridoline Schmidt, Marc André Schmidt, Nadja Josephine Sühnel, Maximilian Weiß

Eleftherios Krysalis, Frederike Moormann, Jason Langheim, Prof. Nathalie Singer, Tilman Böhnke

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Media Art and Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)),
Media Art and Design -Study programme Media Art und Design (MAD) (english) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.))

Type of project presentation
– Other –

Summer semester 2024

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Friedensstraße 2 - kulturSCHAUFENSTER

Freitag: 12 - 20 Uhr (16 - 17 Uhr Radio-Livesendung), Samstag 12 - 20 Uhr (12 - 15 Uhr Radio-Livesendung)

Project in the »Strengthening Democracy« Network

kulturSCHAUFENSTER // Galerieverlag Blueprint.edition

Project description

After a semester of research, discussion, artistic encounters and interventions, the puzzle of Thuringia's democratic present has not been solved - if anything, it has been given more pieces. In an interactive audio exhibition, the students of the project "Finishing the puzzle - Four interventions before it topples" invite you to puzzle together a “1500-piece-Thuringia” at the Kulturschaufenster, Friedensstraße 2, Weimar, Germany. You can listen to audio pieces documenting the group's various activities: A review of a live-broadcast from the Weimarhallen Park feat. activism experts, our neighbours and a birthday party picnic, the greatest hits of Thuringia, sound guerrilla in local supermarkets or a lunch table we hosted with the Weimarer Tafel. The events of the past semester initiate points of contact between us and this elusive, heterogeneous counterpart "Thuringia", between Bauhaus-Universität and the region in which it is located. They try to reflect on the political realities that surround us and collect small encounters and stories that perhaps give hope and power. The listeners themselves become co-enigmatic, keeping their ear to the questions, the cracks, the tipping points. In addition to the open installation, there will also be live broadcasts with an expert discussion and an object concert.

Exhibition Location / Event Location