summaery2024: Projects

RothNEUsiedl – Planning Process for a future-oriented urban development

Project information

submitted by
Karoline Brüske

Anna Clara Dusanek Guedes, Ayaallah Mohamed Anwar Elgafrawy, Basak Pinar, Berkay Vedat Sahin, Busenur Bulduk, Cemre Onan, Ezequiel Ader, Gözdenur Mutlu, Ioana Metescu, Leonie Scheler, Margaux Flick, Nusrat Jahan, Paola Monserrat Zamora Ortiz, Sarah Kate Gentry, Sophie Marie Tempelhoff, Thais Ellen Santos Abreu Morandi, Tomás Ignacio Ortega Retamal

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig, Susan Eipper M.Sc., Karoline Brüske M.Sc.

Architecture and Urbanism

Degree programme:
Integrated Urban Development and Design (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2024

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 - Hauptgebäude / Main Building

Available during summaery opening hours

Project description

In the process of urban planning, the competition format is a common procedure that can offer several benefits when well applied. It can be an inclusive process, as it often encompasses the participation of various stakeholders and actors. Moreover, this format results in several different possibilities and ideas that can actually lead to a high-quality urban space.

To understand this process better, the Study Project will use a case located in Vienna: the "RothNEUsiedl." This urban development aims to support the city's urban growth with its future-oriented goals. The district is to be created as a role model not only in terms of climate resilience and adaptation but also in the promotion of social and cultural diversity.

The course initially introduced students to the many considerations that go into the process of an urban planning and design competition. In the second half of the semester, the students delved deeper into their case study in Vienna and worked on an urban design project that aims to bring further solutions and ideas for the "RothNEUsiedl."