Retrotopia of property - on the trail of privatization experiences and Treuhand in Dobitschen (Altenburger Land)
Project information
submitted by
Jonas Böttger
Helena Bogner, Jonas Böttger, Dorothea Gottschall, Simon Mayer, Laura Semper
Prof. Frank Eckardt, Pauline Bönisch
Architecture and Urbanism
Degree programme:
Urban Studies (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
Type of project presentation
Winter semester 2023/24
- Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 - Hauptgebäude / Main Building
Available during summaery opening hours
attractive to children
Project in the »Strengthening Democracy« Network
Gemeinde Dobitschen
Project description
Dobitschen, Altenburger Land, Thuringia. We tell the story of the former GDR people's property Wasserschloss Dobitschen. It is a reflection of the social upheavals and political decisions in East Germany since the 1990s. In the course of extensive privatization processes after the peaceful revolution, carried out by the Treuhandanstalt, important buildings that shaped the community in numerous places in the former GDR fell into the private ownership of mostly West German investors. How does the experience of privatization still affect the village community today? In this audio contribution, Helena Bogner, Jonas Böttger, Dorothea Gottschall, Simon Mayer and Laura Semper from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar combine an analysis of political and institutional decisions with the personal stories of the villagers.
Email: retrotopie.eigentum[at]