Sonic Topologies – from Analysis to Speculation
Project information
submitted by
Yue Wang
Mujahid Ali, Sofia Athayde Motta Melo Bento, Lisa Mayr, Ana Ruiz de Santa Quiteria Blanco
Yue Wang
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Fine Art (Diploma),
Visual Communication (Master of Arts (M.A.)),
Media Art and Design -Study programme Media Art und Design (MAD) (english) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.))
Type of project presentation
Summer semester 2024
- Marienstraße 5
(202-204 Klanglabor)
Sa-So 14:00-18:00
Project description
Originally as a mathematical concept, “topology” demonstrates the structure of a continuous deformation of space. In biology, topology is applied to the modelling of biological relationships in the evolution of different organisms; in computer science, it refers to the way in which devices are connected in a network; and in geology, it addresses the logical connections between geographic entities such as rivers, roads, cities and biotopes…
By borrowing the concept of “topology”, the creational module »Sonic Topologies – from Analysis to Speculation« in SoSe2024 considers the soundscape as a continuous topological space. Within this space, we use audio-technological means such as measuring, recording, and analysing with visualizers to understand the basic acoustic phenomena, exploring how different sound elements are connected to each other. During this process, sound is transformed into analog and digital forms, transmitted through different media, and perceived by us and other living beings, which can also be regarded as some sort of topologie(s).
During the summaery, students from interdisciplinary backgrounds present their work-in-progress for this module.