»University Complaints Office for Discrimination Cases« Starts Its Work
Beginning immediately, students, doctoral candidates, and employees at the university can submit a formal complaint to the University Complaints Office for Discrimination Cases if they have experienced discrimination based on racist and ethnicised attributions, gender, sexual and/or gender identity, age, disability and/or chronic illness, religion or ideology. In doing this, the university is ensuring that its members and affiliates are protected as stipulated in the General Equal Treatment Act.
Students, doctoral candidates, and employees who have experienced discrimination or disadvantage at the university can now submit a formal complaint to the »Complaints Office for Discrimination cases«. Dr. Carolin Wick and Ronny Schüler are the contact partners at the »Complaints Office«.
The impartial »Complaints Office« is responsible for investigating cases of discrimination based on racist and ethnicised attributions, gender, sexual and/or gender identity, age, disability and/or chronic illness, religion or ideology. The »Complaints Office« relies on the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) and the university's new Guidelines for Protection Against Discrimination at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in Accordance with the General Act on Equal Treatment (MdU 19/24) when investigating discrimination complaints. As part of the complaints procedure, the Office can question witnesses, inspect files and documents, and obtain a statement from the person(s) against whom a complaint has been made. If the allegation of discrimination is confirmed, the »Complaints Office« will propose appropriate measures or sanctions. The responsible member of the Presidential Board is then responsible for determining the sanctions and how they are to be implemented.
The detailed complaint submission procedure is outlined in the Rules of Procedure, which has been published together with the Anti-Discrimination guidelines (MdU 19/24).
Those affected by discrimination are advised to first contact one of the university’s counselling service centres (https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/university/profile/equal-opportunity-and-anti-discrimination/counselling/) before submitting a formal complaint. As special interest groups, the work of the counselling service centres is strictly confidential and impartial in the interests of those affected. The centres work together, for instance, with those affected to develop strategies and refer them to additional support services. In addition, the counselling service centres help provide information on the complaints procedure and provide support for those affected during the process.
Further information on the »Complaints Office«, the complaints procedure, and the »Rules of Procedure«, can be found at: www.uni-weimar.de/complaints-office-for-discrimination-cases
Dr. Carolin Wick and Ronny Schüler
Phone: +49 (0) 3543/581717
E-mail: beschwerdestelle[at]uni-weimar.de