Shaping the Future, Strengthening Democracy: New Project Funding as Part of the 2025– 2027 Annual Themes
At the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, we understand that we play a key role in society, especially in Weimar and Thuringia. We fulfil this role by embracing social responsibility, actively representing democratic values in public, understanding democracy as a fundamental element of our identity, and drawing on scientific, artistic and administrative knowledge and expertise. To highlight this position, the Presidential Board is taking advantage of the 2025–2027 annual themes and providing targeted incentives to increase the visibility of research, teaching, and transfer activities in society. This includes two new funding initiatives: the BEYOND NOW Fund and the continuation of the »Demokratie stärken« (strengthening democracy) Fund.
2025–2027 Annual Themes: Beyond Now
By introducing annual themes, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is committing to the goal of honing its reputation and increasing the importance of these activities in the community. The theme »Beyond Now« connects the past, present, and future in order to develop new perspectives from current issues. Based on these three annual themes, the fields designated in the university's »Struktur- und Entwicklungsplan (STEP)« (structure and development plan) will be examined in the context of the Environment - Human - Technology triad.
In 2025, »Beyond Now — Environment« will focus the relationships between living beings and their material and immaterial environments. Scientific, artistic, and design projects that address these constellations will be prioritised.
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has created the BEYOND NOW Fund to support innovative projects in connection with the 2025–2027 annual themes. The Fund is intended to support research, art, and teaching projects that examine the interactions between humans, the environment, and technology. Projects that receive funding should strive to present new perspectives on pressing social challenges and should engage with a wide audience.
»Demokratie stärken« (strengthening democracy) Fund: New Call for Proposals
The »Demokratie stärken« (strengthening democracy) theme is also being extended. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is actively committed to democratic values and supports projects that strengthen social solidarity and promote trust in democracy, science, and educational institutions.
Financial support from the »Demokratie stärken« (strengthening democracy) Fund can be used for projects that strengthen democratic principles, engage with regional partners, and make their results visible to the public. Funded projects can be from any area at the university and must be implemented between April 2025 and March 2026.
The application period is open until 18 February
Interested university members are encouraged to submit their projects by 18 February 2025. Further information on the funding programme and application process can be found at: