ShiftFM – The Bauhaus-Unversität Weimar’s Remote Radio Station goes on Air
ShiftFM, the interdisciplinary radio project for the 2020 summer semester is going on air for one week. The programme will be streamed on www.bauhaus.fm and temporarily on Radio Lotte Weimar from 7 pm on Monday 6. July to 11 pm on Monday 13. July.
Special feature: the radio programme will be streamed remotely and from the future. The programme will look back from the year 2050 to the unique year 2020. For one semester, students from different disciplines had a chance to reflect on challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic and tried to figure out how people would look back on this summer semester in thirty years time. How has society and media technology changed in the course of the pandemic? How have people's attitudes changed? What has been the role of radio?
When it became clear that the 2020 summer semester would be taught mainly remotely, Prof. Nathalie Singer along with five other lecturers at Experimental Radio and Prof. Christiane Voss, Chair of Philosophy of Audio-Visual Media, initiated the project together with bauhaus.fm. On the one hand, there was the issue of how to produce a radio show »remotely«, i.e. from different points in the future. On the other hand, the professors wanted to encourage experimental discussions on the current crisis situation.
»Our aim is to create an artistic radio that reflects the rapidly changing present in terms of artistic content. We want as many people as possible to identify themselves in the project«, said Prof. Singer at the beginning of the semester. This resulted in a fictitious radio documentary that simulated the time required for reflection. It will be broadcast on www.bauhaus.fm for one week starting from Monday, 6. July, at 7 pm, and occasionally live on Radio Lotte Weimar (106.6 FM).
You can listen to two samples of short radio news from the future here:
News Sample 1
News Sample 2
The interdisciplinary radio project was launched in cooperation with usma.radio, mobile radio, radio in between spaces (Zentrum für aktuelle Musik e.V.) and other universities such as HGB in Leipzig and HfG Offenbach, as well as with alumni of the university. Further information is available at www.bauhaus.fm and www.experimentellesradio.de.
Lecturer team/bauhaus.fm:
Konrad Behr, Laura Dang, Astrid Drechsler, Sebastian Lederle, Lefteris Krysalis, Fabian Kühlein, Lukas Matthaei, Maximilian Netter, Nathalie Singer, Christiane Voss, Dominique Wollniok and others
Prof. Nathalie Singer
Chair of Experimental Radio
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43/58 38 90
Email: nathalie.singer@uni-weimar.de
Prof. Dr. Christiane Voss Chair of Media Philosophy/Philosophy of Audio-Visual Media Tel.: +49(0)3643/58 4005 Email: christiane.voss@uni-weimar.de