Product Design Graduates from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Acknowledged in the »German Design Graduates« Competition
Florian Henschel not only received the Social Design Award of the »German Design Graduates« (GDG) platform with prize money of 1,000 euro donated by the Hans Sauer Foundation for his Bachelor’s thesis, but was also allocated support in the form of participation in the »Cradle to Cradle NGO« networking evening. Two further Master’s alumni from the Faculty of Art and Design will also receive support: Elias Fahle was able to impress with his customisable orthosis »Parachno« and Maximilian Schatz garnered praise for his material experiment »Faser.Faden.Filament.«.
»MateriaLab« by Florian Henschel provides science kits for children to explore the subjects of waste management and recycling. The kits allow them to perform various recycling and waste processes for themselves. Each kit comprises four wooden boxes: the paper box and the plastic box contain special tools that enable children to recycle things for themselves and to use the materials they recover to make little discs. In the bioplastic experiment, the children can use a starch-based bioplastic to make another disc. In the biowaste experiment, the durability of material samples is then tested with the help of worms during a long-term experiment lasting two months. The children can use the discs as building blocks or keep them as souvenirs.
According to the jury’s statement, »Florian Henschel not only addresses one of the most relevant challenges of our time in his work, namely how we use limited resources, but also addresses a target group that will soon share responsibility for the future of our planet, namely primary school children«. Henschel was also awarded support in the form of a networking evening. This format involves individuals and companies from the design world who wish to give young alumni and their projects a chance to go into production. They offer traineeships, coaching and mentoring programmes.
Maximilian Schatz will receive support for his innovative material and construction system »Faser.Faden.Filament.«. Switching to natural fibres (hemp) with entirely different properties represents a fundamental intervention into the classic production process with carbon or fibreglass. Elias Fahle will also receive support for his »Parachno« orthosis, which is made from self-conceived elastic 3D beaded webbing and offers a huge range of possibilities using just two basic elements. Its plasticity can be configured entirely individually with the help of an algorithm, allowing it to facilitate movements during a daily workout or rehabilitation therapy, just like a second skin.
The awards also include an exhibition at the Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts) in Berlin. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a double exhibition is taking place this year for the 2020 and 2021 cohorts. The exhibition reflects the current perspectives of alumni from the best German design universities in the field of product and industrial design – a total of over 80 entries are being showcased this year from 15 of the best German design universities.
The Bachelor’s dissertation »MateriaLab« was supervised by Gerrit Babtist, Professor of Design and Management, and Michael Braun, Research Associate from the Chair of the Theory and History of Design. The Master’s dissertation »Parachno« was also supervised by Gerrit Babtist and artistic associate Sarah Böttger. The creation of »Faser.Faden.Filament.« was supervised by Professor Gerrit Babtist and Professor Jan Willmann (Theory and History of Design) as well as Sarah Böttger and Michael Braun. All three dissertations were created as part of the product design course offered by the Faculty of Art and Design.
About German Design Graduates:
GDG is a platform that presents, discusses and supports design perspectives of graduates from German universities. The initiative was launched in 2019 by design professors from German art universities. The diverse forms that design can take are showcased online on GDG’s »Graduates Platform«. GDG also organises an annual exhibition featuring a selection of recent dissertation projects both for the general public and a professional audience. GDG additionally brings design alumni together with representatives from culture and industry, who select young designers for individual mentoring and coaching programmes.
For more information on the GDG, visit
For information on the Hans Sauer Foundation, see
»German Design Graduates« exhibition
Exhibition dates: 9 – 31 October 2021
Opening times: Tue – Fri, 10 am – 6 pm; Sat – Sun: 1 – 6 pm
Venue: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseu, Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin
In case of questions, please contact Romy Weinhold, Press and Public Relations Officer for the Faculty of Art and Design; Tel.: +49 (0)3643 / 58 11 86; romy.weinhold[at]