Thuringian Test Field: Demand-Based Mobility Concepts for Rural Areas
The joint BMBF-funded MOVEwell project is scheduled to begin in September 2024 under the leadership of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The goal of the project is to make rural areas more accessible, thus increasing the attractiveness of the regions as business locations – in particular for skilled workers. Using three model regions in Thuringia as examples, innovative and sustainable public transport concepts will be developed, tested and integrated with workplace mobility management concepts. Nearly 4.6 million euros are being provided by the federal government for this project over the next five years.
Anyone living in a rural region is well aware of how difficult is often is to get around without a car. There are too few trains on the rails and too few buses. The journeys take too long and are scheduled too infrequently. »If you want to arrive at your destination on time, the only option is often private motor transport«, confirms Prof. Uwe Plank-Wiedenbeck from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. He continues: »In order to hit the legally set climate goals, attractive transport options are also needed in rural regions«.
This is being developed as part of the BMBF »Mobilitätsverbund werthaltige ländliche Lebensräume« (or MOVEwell for short) project. The seven network partners, headed by the European Digital Innovation Hub Thuringia at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, are focussing on the following three building blocks: Optimised and well-coordinated public transport schedules without long waiting times between trains, expansion of workplace mobility management concepts and the development of a digital platform that records and coordinates individual mobility needs easily.
Future-Proof Sustainable Mobility
Concepts are being tested in the project regions of Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Weimarer Land, Ilm-Kreis and the towns of Weimar, Bad Berka and Ilmenau. The focus of the project is the »Integrale Taktfahrplan« (ITF), which coordinates travel times of trains and buses at major hubs so that passengers do not have to deal with long connection times and also have enough time to change trains without having to rush. Additionally, new forms of transport, such as shared taxis and on-call buses will be integrated into the public transport system to meet the »on demand« needs of citizens in individual and flexible ways.
More incentives will be offered for people working in Weimar’s industrial area, the Bas Berka clinic, and the Arbeiterwohlfahrt Saalfeld gGmbh (AWO) to switch to climate-friendly transport forms such as bikes, buses or trains. The extent to which the vehicle fleet can be converted to environmentally-friendly modes of transport is also being looked at. MOVEwell’s technical support is provided by consortium partner HighQ Computerlösungen, which will be enhancing its IT platform for transport management, specifically focussing on module that will enable employees to carpool.
The project consortium is working with the Thüringer Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Landwirtschaft (TMIL) and the Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH (LEG) to develop adjustments for public transport in Thuringia and to implement these adjustments together with regional transport providers. The Thuringian Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft (TMWWD) is also supporting the project and committed to implementing the mobility solutions for commuter traffic in rural areas in the corresponding state strategies.
An Appealing Model Project
Within the context of climate change and demographic developments, the MOVEwell research project is making a strong contribution to future-proof, sustainable mobility in Germany. Systematically expanding public transport is expected to not only positively affect the climate, environment and health, but also to strengthen social cohesion in rural regions. At the same time, intelligent and demand-based transport supports economic power and resilience, increases the attractiveness for companies, employees, residents, suppliers and tourists, thus mitigating problematic demographic shifts.
Mobility Network for Valuable Rural Living Spaces – MOVEwell
This project is part of the »Nachhaltige Mobilität in regionalen Transformationsräumen – in Metropolregionen, Regiopolregionen und interkommunalen Verbünden« guidelines set by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Duration: 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2029
Project Budget: 4.6 million euros
Consortium Direction and Contact:
European Digital Innovation Hub Thuringia at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Schwanseestraße 13, 99423 Weimar
E-mail: vsp[at]bauing.uni-weimar.de
Contact Person: Dipl.-Ing. Raimo Harder, Phone +49 (0) 3643 584827
Consortium Partners:
Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität (ThIMo) at theTU Ilmenau
Landkreis Saalfeld- Rudolstadt
Arbeiterwohlfahrt Saalfeld gGmbH
Zentralklinik Bad Berka
Stadtwirtschaft Weimar GmbH
highQ Computerlösungen GmbH, Freiburg