BAUHAUS4EU European University Alliance Receives 14.4 Million Euros in Funding from the European Commission
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s »BAUHAUS4EU« application for the EU’s »ERASMUS + European Universities« initiative has been approved. Together with nine other partner universities from across Europe, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will be receiving 14.4 million euros over the next four years. This means that BAUHAUS4EU now belongs to the 64 » European University Alliances« funded by the EU Commission.
The EU initiative encourages strategic alliances between European universities through collaborative teaching, research, innovation and transfer projects. The goal of the initiative is to promote sustainable, inclusive and resilient development in European regions, as well as international exchange covering all aspects of higher education. The EU Commission applauded the application, which was coordinated by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, referring to it as »outstanding and innovative«.
Prof. Peter Benz, President of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, was given the good news while visiting the Alliance partner Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco in Portugal. He stressed the importance of the international nature and innovative approach of the Alliance:
»This is fantastic news for the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and our partner network! We wish to extend a special thanks to all university members and partners in Thuringia. Without their help and support, applying for this funding would not have been possible. The positive reception of the application and associated funding will increase cooperation between the partner universities in research and teaching and strengthen their effectiveness in their respective regions. The BAUHAUS4EU Alliance aims not only to contribute to various aspects of European cooperation, but also to implement collaborative formats and projects that specifically promote the regions involved. This includes establishing a collective identity as ›European University Alliance‹ with an outstanding reputation. I am delighted about this wonderful opportunity for international networking at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, which will be the coordinating university for the next four years.«
The BAUHAUS4EU network includes numerous countries and regions across Europe. The Alliance is made up of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden), the Polis University (Albania), the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (Portugal), the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Bulgaria), the University of Bergamo (Italy), the University of Economics in Katowice (Poland), the Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France), the University of Macedonia (Greece) and the Université de Picardie Jules Verne (France). Together, these partners form the »European University Alliance« with over 124,000 students and 10,000 employees.
The BAUHAUS4EU network also includes 67 other partners from civil society, culture, business, industry and research. Although these partners do not receive direct funding, they are involved in collaborative projects and provide inspiration.
The ten partner universities aim to achieve sustainable and inclusive development in their regions through international and multilateral cooperation. They share current regional challenges within the network and address them together through innovative teaching, research and exchange formats. The network is based on the combined expertise of the universities and their regional partners, as well as the themes and values of the »New European Bauhaus« (Beautiful, Sustainable, Together) initiative. The initiative is the leading international movement in sustainability transformation. Expertise from a network of global partner universities will be made available for the topics mentioned.
With this aim in mind, the Alliance is especially focussed on promoting international mobility for students, teaching staff, researchers and other staff members. Accessible and innovative formats give university members the opportunity for individualised experiences in other countries. Additional teaching and research projects and the development of join infrastructures, including a European digital campus and joint leadership organisation, are the centrepieces of the collaboration.
By the end of 2024, preparations should be complete for the official launch of the project at the beginning of 2025. Alongside, a number of work group meetings will take place between the partner universities. These meetings will include university members from the various status groups (students, doctoral candidates, teaching staff and employees).
Additional information on the »European Universities« can be found here:
For questions, please contact Eva Léchelle, European Partner Network Development Representative, by e-mail eva.lechelle[at]