Three Students Awarded »Medienkunstpreis 2020« (Media Art Prize 2020)
Maike Alisha Effenberg, Franziska Burkhardt, and Alfredo Ardia were awarded the »Medienkunstpreise« this year. On Saturday 1 August 2020, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar students were honoured at an award ceremony at the Galerie Eigenheim in the Weimarhalle for their final theses in Media Art and Design. Three prizes from the Bauhaus Film-Institute were also awarded at the ceremony.
Maike Alisha Effenberg was awarded the first prize of 1,200 euros for her Bachelor thesis, a sound installation titled »Listening to Nature«. In her project, the media artist addressed the topic of (self-)healing in nature, referencing ecosystems like forests. Four tuning forks – which mimic a Helmholtz sound synthesizer – echo the working processes of a device considered to be the precursor to artificial intelligence: the Homeostat. The Homeostat reacts to external disturbances and counterbalances them. The process can be visually projected and is audible through the sound of the tuning forks. »The mechanical process– which is otherwise imperceivable – is made visible and audible«, said the jury. »Maike Alisha Effenberg’s sound system reacts when it is thrown off balance by disturbances. Participants experience the continuous balancing of the sound machine and witness a mechanical interpretation of nature.«
Second place with an 800 euro prize, was awarded to Franziska Burkhardt for her Master’s thesis »Eine Mutter* schafft das nicht allein«. In her 40-minute autobiographical performance, the artist focussed on topics such as childcare, the pressure of responsibility, and the intergenerational »inherited« burdens that mothers bear. »Frankziska Burkhardt’s lecture performance combined her own experiences with motherhood and research she did on the subject. Both her own experiences and external expectations are questioned in the piece. The effort that the project required was not the only thing that was clear: The importance of exposing the subject matter and freeing it from being an isolating experience and bringing it into the public eye«, said the jury.
Third place was awarded to Alfredo Ardia for his Master’s thesis »Höömii - The Voice of Wind«. The Master’s student from Italy travelled to Mongolia for his spatially experimental 8-channel sound installation. He investigated the relationship between the sounds of nature and Höömii, traditional Mongolian throat singing. »Listening is a central part in both the creation and reception of the work. Recordings are played through eight speakers in the sound installation. The spatial layout is based on cycles in nature, farming, and the patterns of shepherds and their herds. Listeners in the centre of the room can follow the movements and are enveloped by sound. Their intuition is challenged because they are not able to recognize the sources of the sounds or the messages they convey«, said the jury, praising the project.
The Bauhaus Film-Institute also the following prizes: The »Film-Initiative« team received 1,000 euros and Angel Genkov and the three-person team made up of Mirko Muhsoff, Kai Zwetter, and Ivan Djambov were awarded 500 euros. The grant money will be used to support film projects or pieces and concepts that are still being developed.
For the eleventh time, Merkur Privatbank donated a total of 4,500 euros to the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Media Art and Design Awards and the Bauhaus Film-Institute prize. Wolfgang Genczler, head of Unternehmenskunden Mittelstand / Director of Merkur Privatbank, congratulated all the artists who were nominated: »Creativity is the starting point for anything of value« the sponsor emphasized at the award ceremony. »At Merkur Privatbank, we are honoured to have been able to support young artists for eleven years now, and to be able to offer them the space to try something new. We benefit as much from this partnership as the creative individuals who we can support with prize money«.
All of the nominated works will be exhibited in the Galerie Eigenheim after summaery2020 until 14 August 2020. Please note that in accordance with pandemic regulations, only five people may visit the exhibition at a time and must be wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth.
Medienkunstpreis 2020 Winners:
First Prize: »Listening To Nature« by Maike Alisha Effenberg
nominated by: Prof. Ursula Damm, Media Environments
Second Prize: »Eine Mutter* schafft das nicht allein« by Franziska Burkhardt
nominated by: Prof. Wolfgang Kissel, Media Events
Third Prize: »Höömii - The Voice of Wind« by Alfredo Ardia
nominated by: Prof. Robin Minard, Electroacoustic Composition and Sounds Design
Prof. Dr. Pia Müller-Tamm (Director of the Staatlichen Kunsthalle Karlsruhe)
Franciska Zólyom (Director of the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig)
Peggy Schoenegge (Kurator and Project Manager of the exhibition »peer to space«)
Exhibition Time:
31 July 2020 – 14 August 2020
Hours of Operation:
Thursday to Sunday, 2 pm to 7 pm
Galerie Eigenheim Weimar
Gärtnerhaus im Weimarhallenpark
Asbachstrasse 1
99423 Weimar
About the Medienkunstpreis:
Professors from the Media Art and Design programme are responsible for nominating up to two final theses from the last academic year for the award. An independent jury of experts then selects the winners. This year, nine works have been nominated by instructors. The Professorship of Media Events and the Galerie Eigenheim are responsible for the Medienkunstpreis.
For further information, contact Konstantin Bayer (0176/968 55 277).