Sneak Peek summaery2023: Media
Which projects will be on exhibit at this year’s summaery? We’re giving you a sneak peek. Master’s students Pauline Künzl, Lauren August Semple and Lucie Pitters are exploring how we behave in in virtual environments and the influence digital environments have on our decisions. The students are collaborating with the Department of Digital Economies and a group of Media Management students on this project.

summaery2023: Fakultät Medien
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Video: Marit Haferkamp und Nina-Marie Luderer / Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
The »Homo Oeconomicus trifft das Metaverse« project will be exhibited as part of summaery2023 in the Faculty of Media’s VR Lab at Schwanseestraße 143, ground floor left. Visitors have the opportunity to participate in the project as part of a study.
Further information on the »Homo Oeconomicus trifft das Metaverse« project can be found here.