PROJEKTIL 2014 Magazine Released
The new »PROJEKTIL 2014 Magazin « is now available. The magazine features the guests and the results of ten colourful and experimental events that took place in the summer of 2014 at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
PROJEKTIL is an international series of lectures and workshops that are offered by the Faculty of Art and Design at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. It was initiated in 2007 by students in order to compensate for the lack of a graphic design professorship. Due to the enormous success and continued demand for the course, it has been offered annually ever since then and the design and organisation of the series is passed down among the students. PROJEKTIL is seen as a platform for ideas, inspiration and creative exchange.
In 2014 the student team consisting of Florian Bräunlich, Sascha Krischock, Philip Neues, Philotheus Nisch and Benjamin Schmidt curated international positions between drawing, video, photography and graphic design with a total of 10 international guests; Peter Puklus, Masanao Hirayama, Viktor Hachmang, Jordy van den Nieuwendijk, Tobias Zielony, I Like Birds, Mark Prendergast, The Rodina & Geoffrey Lillemon.
»PROJEKTIL 2014 Magazin« is available either directly from the publisher, Lucia Verlag, or online at
Basic Info:
- Title: PROJEKTIL 2014 Magazin
- Language: English
- Author/Editor: Projektil 2014 (Florian Bräunlich, Sascha Krischock, Philip Neues, Philotheus Nisch, Benjamin Schmidt)
- Magazine layout: Philotheus Nisch, Florian Bräunlich
- Released: 9. April 2015
- Price: 10 €
- Number of copies: 300
- Number of pages: 98
- Size: 33 cm x 24 cm
- Binding: adhesive
- Print: Offset printing using 10 special colours + stamp
- Publisher: LUCIA Verlag Weimar
- ISBN 978-3-945301-21-0
The Projektil 2015 events start at the beginning of April. Up-to-date information can be found at:
The PROJEKTIL team would like to thank the Faculty of Art and Design, Jörg von Stuckrad and Lucia Verlag for their kind support.
Contact information:
e-mail: team[at]