»Heterotopia Ilmpark«: Artistic-Scientific Symposium Addresses Ilmpark
As part of the »100 Years of Bauhaus« centenary exhibition, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is organising the artistic-scientific symposium »Heterotopie Ilmpark. Raum für Neue Umweltästhetik«. The symposium will use Weimar’s Ilmpark as a spatial-historical basis for discussion and will address concepts of nature and environmental aesthetics inscribed therein. In this context, the Park itself will serve as the venue for some of the conference.
In addition to the climate crisis, contemporary impetuses for realigning our understanding of the environment include the potentials and resonances of digital technology, networking and design. The symposium addresses this theme by facilitating an exchange of ideas through the bringing together of artistic and scientific positions from architecture, urban studies and design as well as from media and cultural studies.
To what extent can social and climate crises be experienced and artistically processed in and through the Park? What was the role of the Park in the historic State Bauhaus? To what extent does this place provoke within people thoughts about their own concepts of nature? What futures might ensue from this?
The symposium will explore these questions within the four focal points »Der Ilmpark als Paradigma und Herausforderung neuer Umweltästhetik«, »Bauhaus und Natur«, »Medialität und Materialität des Parks« and »Neue Umweltästhetiken«.
The event is open to the public and admission is free; registration is requested.
The Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, illustrates the design paradigms of Classical Weimar, serves as a point of reference and junction to ecological design approaches of the State Bauhaus and can currently be considered a microcosm of climate and societal transformations. It can be used not only to hone the approach to new environmental aesthetics, but also to grasp and discuss different concepts of nature and culture. In addition to references to urban planning as well as architectural and media history, there will also be a focus on artistic and design approaches that tie in with and test the heterotopic and future-visionary dynamics of the Park.
The symposium is part of the »23:ideas« project fund sponsored by the Presidium for the artistic and organisational design of the 2023 anniversary year at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Symposium »Heterotopie Ilmpark. Raum für Neue Umweltästhetik«
10 to 12 July 2023
Conference venues:
Reithaus (Platz der Demokratie 5, 99423 Weimar),
Study Centre Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek (Platz der Demokratie 4, 99423 Weimar)
Welcoming and opening: Monday, 10 July, 5:30 pm (Reithaus)
Participants include:
Eva Badura-Triska (AFW Vienna) / Alina Biriukova (Berlin) / Jan von Brevern (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) / BUS GROUP (Berlin) / Myriam Dössegger (ZPK Bern) / Feminist Park Collective (Berlin) / Christine Fuhrmann (IU Internationale Hochschule/Halle) / Albert Kirchengast (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg) / Tamara Knapp (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) / Elisa Linseisen (Hamburg University) / Susanne Müller-Wolff (Humboldt Forum Berlin) / Anne Marx (Weimar) / Katrin Steiger (Weimar/Berlin) / Luise Nerlich (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)/ »Neue Umweltästhetik« project module (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) / Katharina Rotté (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/TU Berlin) / Franziska Winter (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
The event is open to the public and admission is free. To register for the event or for individual lectures, please e-mail: franziska.winter[at]uni-weimar.de