Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Receives Over One Million Euros to Help Integrate International Students Into the Labour Market
At nearly 30 percent, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has a higher than average proportion of international students. Some of these students stay in Thuringia and join the workforce, but this is by no mean the majority. Just one third are successful in starting a career in Germany, specifically in Thuringia. In order to increase these numbers and integrate more international graduates into the local and national job market, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will be receiving over one million euros in funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) »FIT - Promoting Academic Success and Labour Market Integration of International Talents« programme.
This will allow the university to implement the long-term »Bauhaus Career Track – Local Networks for Global Talents« project. The goal is to provide support for international students throughout their academic career and to help ease their entry into the German labour market through targeted offers and clear transition structures.
One of the major obstacles for international students entering the German labour market is the language barrier. This is especially true in the Thuringian economic region, which is characterised by mid-sized companies. Many Thuringian businesses are small to mid-sized, tend to be family-run, and do not always have the resources or experience to successfully integrate international specialists. Cultural differences and the lack of local contacts and networks can also make accessing the job market more challenging. This is where the project comes into play: the Bauhaus Career Track is a structured programme that helps international students acquire the necessary skills, experience and contacts for starting a successful career in Germany and begins while students are still studying. Due to the current shortage in skilled STEM workers, the project will initially focus on the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Computer Science.
The International Office is responsible for coordinating the project measures, which are as diverse as the student life cycle itself: short-term and intensive language courses before, during and after studies; individual assistance with applications; compact courses on the specifics of the German labour market and how to work in intercultural teams; alumni mentoring; and career fairs and company visits. In order to ensure that the project is effectively implemented, the International Office, the Language Centre, Career Services, and the Bauhaus Further Education Academy are pooling their expertise and resources. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is also increasing its cooperation networks with businesses, professional associations, local authorities and other labour market partners to improve the transition into the Thuringian labour market.
Christian Kästner, director of the International Office, stresses the importance of the project: »In order to empower our international graduates and maximise their potential as skilled specialists for Thuringia, we want to work together with all key stakeholders and take a long-term, systematic, networked approach. In doing so, we are taking on an important role in securing skilled workers and democratic education in Thuringia.«
Additional information on the DAAD »FIT - Promoting Academic Success and Labour Market Integration of International Talents« can be found at: www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/weiterfuehrende-infos-zu-daad-foerderprogrammen/fit/
In case of questions, please contact project coordinator Susanne Wille by phone: 49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 76 or e-mail susanne.wille[at]uni-weimar.de