Bauhaus-Universität Weimar University Council meets together for first session
On Thursday, 15 February 2018, the new University Council met at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for their constituent meeting. Dr. Rainer Ambrosy was elected by the Council as chairperson and Nathalie Wappler was elected as deputy chairperson. The first session provided the opportunity for the six-member panel to exchange views on the strategic perspectives of the University.
Well-known representatives from the scientific, cultural, and media and business fields will offer their expertise and support to the University Council over the next four years. At the constituent meeting in the »Roten Saal« in Belvederer Allee 5 in Weimar, the six-member panel elected Dr. Rainer Ambrosy, chancellor of the University of Duisburg-Essen, as chairperson. The position of deputy chairperson will be taken over by the program director of Central German Broadcasting (MDR), Halle (Saale), Nathalie Wappler Hagen.
The members discussed strategic goals of the University with the Presidium. Topics on the agenda included the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s mission statement, the upcoming Bauhaus100 in 2019, in addition to plans for the further development of teaching and research prospectives. The Council, which advises and supports the University, will be involved in the University’s strategic planning over the next four years.
The University Council typically meets twice a semester. The next University Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 20 June 2018. In addition to this meeting, there will also be a public University exchange with the Senate.
The University Council is, alongside the Senate, the highest council of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and are elected to a four-year term. The University Council is an advisory and supervisory body, similar to that of a commercial enterprise. Significant internal and strategic decisions at the University cannot be made without the Council’s consent or advice. The Council advises goal and performance agreements with the ministry and their approval is required for structural and developmental planning.
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