summaery2022: Projects

Experimental workshop: Construction of small wickerwork models.

Project information

submitted by
Johanna Meßner

Zoe Köbrunner, Johanna Meßner, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Museum für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Weimar

Klaus Schmitz-Gielsdorf, Prof. Bernd Nentwig Gefördert durch den Summaery Fond

Architecture and Urbanism

Degree programme:
Architecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation
– Other –

Summer semester 2022

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Freifläche 5 / outside 5 (zw. Prellerhaus und Bauhaus.Atelier)
  • Freifläche 5 / outside 5 (zw. Prellerhaus und Bauhaus.Atelier)

attractive to children

Project description

In an interactive workshop, visitors will have the opportunity to get to know the historical building technique of the wickerwork wall. Together we will build small models of a Neolithic wall construction. Afterwards, everyone will be allowed to take these models home. The relevance of these wall constructions results on the one hand from their significance for sustainable building and on the other hand from their local connection to the Thuringian basin.

Thuringia is one of the oldest cultural landscapes in Central Europe. The excellent soils as well as the mild climate favoured early settlement. The Neolithic longhouse is one of the oldest types of dwelling. The workshop will focus on the Neolithic period and draw attention to the historical regional context of Weimar.

We are in close contact with the Museum of Prehistory and Early History, Weimar.


Experimental workshop: Neolithic wickerwork wall construction Experimentierworkshop: Bau kleiner Flechtwerkmodule in neolithischer Bauweise

In a workshop we want to make small models of a Neolithic wall out of twigs, straw and clay. Visitors can learn about the historical construction technique of the wickerwork wall construction.

  • Begin: 10:00 am
  • End: 15:00 pm

  • Freifläche 5 / outside 5 (zw. Prellerhaus und Bauhaus.Atelier), .
  • Location: .