summaery2020: Projects

Schlieren imaging | Spread of breathing air from wind instruments and singers

Project information

submitted by
Lia Becher M.Sc.

Lia Becher M.Sc., Amayu Wakoya Gena M.Sc., Prof. Dr.-Ing. Conrad Völker, Alexander Benz B.Sc., Dr.-Ing. Hayder Alsaad

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Conrad Völker

Architecture and Urbanism,
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Degree programme:
– Other –

Type of project presentation
Research project

– Other –

attractive to children

Thüringen Philharmonie Gotha – Eisenach, Deutsches Nationaltheater und Staatskapelle Weimar, Freiburger Institut für Musikermedizin

Project description

The playing of wind instruments and singing is a great challenge for musicians in the present time. Currently, it is only possible to make music with wind instruments under extensive hygienic precautions or even not at all. According to new findings and experiences, singing also poses an increased danger. At the moment, singing together in choirs is nearly impossible.

Investigations at the Chair of Building Physics at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in cooperation with the Thüringen Philharmonie Gotha - Eisenach under the direction of the chief conductor Markus Huber and the Deutsches Nationaltheater and Staatskapelle Weimar under the direction of the orchestra director Nils Kretschmer show with the help of the schlieren mirror and the BOS method how far the possibly infectious air spreads when playing wind instruments or singing.

In cooperation with the Freiburg Institute for Musician's Medicine, a risk assessment of the spread of breathing air when playing wind instruments and singing has been developed. The first update of this study can be found below as a PDF file.

Further information on the schlieren method and the BOS method can be found here:

Email: lia.becher[at]


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