On June 8 and 9, 2022, the traditional book sale took place in the University Library, where discarded titles of all subject areas could be purchased at reasonable prices. A total of 872 books were sold and 1,294 euros were raised. The proceeds will now be donated to the association »Blue Shield Germany«, which is committed to the protection of cultural assets in Ukraine.
»The employees of the University Library were keen to use the proceeds from our book sale to support an organization dedicated to the protection of Ukrainian cultural assets,« says Dr. Frank Simon-Ritz, Head of the University Library, explaining the motives behind the donation.
Together with the German Archaeological Institute and the Kulturgutretter project, the SiLK - SicherheitsLeitfaden Kulturgut and the emergency associations as well as the German Society for the Protection of Cultural Property, »Blue Shield Deutschland« is supporting a large-scale fundraising campaign to protect cultural property in Ukraine.
For more information about the association, please visit: https://www.blue-shield.de/en/
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