Bauhaus Summer School
The Bauhaus Summer School is the international summer programme of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Every year, it offers up to 250 prospective students, undergraduates and graduates from around 50 nations the opportunity to participate in courses focusing on art, architecture, technology, media and languages. The Bauhaus Summer School takes place every year in August.
More information on courses, dates and applications can be found here.
Bauhaus Spring School
The Bauhaus Spring School is an international short-term programme in a blended format (online/present) for students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and students of its partner universities. We offer blended courses in the focus areas of art, technology, architecture and languages. The course costs are funded through the new BIP Erasmus programme. The Bauhaus Spring School takes place every year in February/March. More information on courses, dates and applications can be found here.
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