Dear students and staff of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
With this mail, we wish to inform you of the expiration of the 7th Basic Hygiene Plan as of 10 February 2023.
As a result of the expiration, you will no longer be required to comply with the hygiene regulations outlined in the Basic Hygiene Plan in your offices or classrooms. You are of course still able to decide for yourself if you wish to continue following the basic hygiene regulations, such as wearing a mask, keeping a distance of at least 1.5 metres from others, and regularly ventilating indoor spaces to prevent the spread of infection.
Regarding the upcoming examination period, distancing and mask regulations are no longer applicable, including in cases where the minimum distances cannot be maintained Seating and room planning for the examination period has already been coordinated between the faculties and will remain in place.
The Board of Governance, together with the Staff Council, has also agreed on a four-week transition period for the return from home office. The transition period ends on 10 March 2023.
We wish to thank you all for your considerate behaviour during the coronavirus pandemic and we wish you all the best, especially our students in their upcoming examinations.
With warmest regards,
on behalf of the Board of Governance,
Jutta Emes
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