On 21 February 2023, the »Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)« approved the new »Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice« at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. This means that the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is now able to process existing and future DFG proposals in their database, a prerequisite for submitting proposals to the DFG.
In 2019, the »Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)« issued new guidelines — the so called DFG Code of Conduct— to ensure good research practice. Every university is required to implement their own guidelines by 31 July 2023 in order to be eligible for DFG funding.
The code consists of 19 guidelines that establish the fundamental principles essential to good scientific practice and research and is intended to foster a culture of academic integrity at higher educational institutes.
A work group chaired by former President Prof. Speitkamp together with representatives from all of the university faculties (Prof. Schönig, Prof. Ludwig, Prof. Singer, Prof. Schmidgen, Dr. Schmitz) was responsible for revising the »Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific and Artistic Practice at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar«, which has been in effect since 2012.
The broad range of topics studied and researched at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar made this task particularly challenging. The DFG appreciated the university’s commitment to incorporate artistic, design and creative disciplines in additional to the scientific disciplines. Because the guidelines for good scientific practice are not always directly applicable to art, design and drafting, relevant additions were made to the new guidelines. The various methods and approaches employed in the disciplines taught at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar were given special recognition, particularly in the preamble prepared by Deans of Research Prof. Cepl and Prof. Willmann.
A constructive process, which involved numerous representatives and committees from the university and close exchange with the DFG, resulted in a document that was unanimously approved by the Senate during their February session. This meant that the final review could be carried out quickly by the DFG.
Prof. Osburg, Vice President of Research, Art and Young Academics and DFG trustee commented: »The DFG’s acknowledgement of our guidelines at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is a cornerstone for our research. I’m glad that we have made swift progress thanks to the constructive cooperation between the faculties and committees, and that we’ve been able to establish the DFG guidelines so quickly at our university. The university is firmly committed to fostering a culture of academic integrity.« Prof. Osburg has strongly supported and contributed to exchange between committees.
Dr. Schönherr and Damaris Schneider from the Research Operations Office were responsible for coordination and editing together with Ute Mai from the Bauhaus Research School. They wish to express their gratitude to everyone involved in the aforementioned work groups as well as the two Deans of Research who aided in the drafting of the guidelines (including the SCC, University Library, the Research Operations Office and Legal Affairs).
The new guidelines, which are currently being implemented at the university, apply to all members and affiliates of the university. The contact persons are the ombudspersons: Prof. Rodehorst, recently elected in the science department; and Prof. Dahlem, ombudsperson for the arts. In addition to existing workshop offers from the Bauhaus Research School and website resources from the Research Operations Office and the Bauhaus Research School, ideas for raising awareness of good scientific and artistic practice are welcome.
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