Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Koch

The Chair of Intelligent Technical Design is concerned with the application of modern information and communication technology (ICT) during the design, the construction and the operation of civil infrastructure, such as buildings, bridges, tunnels, road and pipe networks. In this regard, we use methods of Building Information Modelling (BIM), Computer Vision and Machine Learning as well as Virtual and Augmented Reality to efficiently and sustainably inform decision makers. 

"Intelligent Technical Design refers to a design approach that utilizes advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to optimize the design process and improve the performance, efficiency, and sustainability of building and infrastructure systems. It integrates data-driven insights, real-time performance monitoring, and machine learning algorithms into the design process to make informed decisions, automate manual processes, and reduce the risk of human error. The goal of Intelligent Technical Design is to create high-performing, sustainable, and efficient building and infrastructure systems." [ChatGPT, 2023]

Published: 04 November 2019

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2019

Am Freitag, 15. November 2019 von 18:00 bis 24:00 steigt die lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Weimar.

Der Lehrstuhl Bauphysik beteiligt sich mit Laborführungen und Experimenten zur Schall- und Luftströmungsmessung an der langen Nacht der Wissenschaften. Begleitet werden die Vorführungen durch Visualisierungen der Professur Intelligentes Technisches Design (Prof. Koch). Natürlich bieten auch viele Partnereinrichtungen ein spannendes und abwechslungsreiches Programm.

Programmhefte sind erhältlich im Shuttlebus, an allen teilnehmenden Stationen oder hier zum Download!

Our team includes Prof. Koch, Mrs. Engelbert, Mr. Wagner, and several research and student assistants.


Here you can find an overview of teaching modules offered by the chair.


Here we describe individual research activities at the chair.
