Winterwerkschau 2022: Projects

Music in My Eyes | BE YOUR OWN VJ (BEHEADER x guccione)

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Project information

submitted by
Selma Richter

August Guccione

Prof. Burkhart von Scheven, Masihne Rasuli

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Visual Communication (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))

Type of project presentation

BEHEADER (Jacob Elias Aran)

Project description

BEHEADER is a techno DJ who studies media art at Bauhaus University. His music is characterized by melodic climaxes and bass-heavy passages. In my work I dealt with the staging of his live performance, more precisely with VJing. The result is a set of several foregrounds and backgrounds, which the viewer can influence himself.

Exhibition Location / Event Location

  • Marienstraße 1b, Gang 3.OG
  • Marienstraße 1b, Gang 3.OG
  • Marienstraße 1b, Gang 3.OG
  • Marienstraße 1b, Gang 3.OG
  • Marienstraße 1b, Gang 3.OG
  • Marienstraße 1b, Gang 3.OG