Monday Telegram (1/2)
Project information
submitted by
Annika Daub & Anna Lina Weiß
Anna Viktorija Babic,
Nina Buschendorf,
Annika Daub,
Lara Desens,
Leela Dutta,
Linus Karl Enzmann,
Lou Hartmann,
Mia-Marie Henze,
Hanyi Kim,
Claas Bjarne Lamaack,
Hannes Naumann,
Leon Peter Purtscher,
Finn Maxine Röhmer-Litzmann,
Magdalena Stibohar,
Laura Susanna Toledo Rheinländer,
Anna Lina Weiß
Masihne Rasuli
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Visual Communication (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))
Type of project presentation
Project description
The current headline of a selected daily newspaper became the motto of the day. Every week, we had six hours to comment on this headline in a creative way. The outcome could be explanatory, contradictory, provocative or satirical and completely free in medium and format.
You can admire a selection of these visual telegrams here.
The course also included a workshop with illustrator and comic artist Anna Haifisch. She gave us the task of creating a series of illustrations in which we were to depict the author of a newspaper article in animal form doing his research.
The shown works were made in the first five weeks of the Fachmodul.
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Exhibition Location / Event Location
- Marienstraße 1b, Raum 304
- Marienstraße 1b, Raum 304
- Marienstraße 1b, Raum 304
- Marienstraße 1b, Raum 304
- Marienstraße 1b, Raum 304