A new and useful educational format awaits first-semester students at the Faculty of Art and Design at the start of the winter semester: for the first time, they are required to complete an exciting, instructive but also entertainingly informative course on the topic of »safety«. The training programme is designed to make learning and working on campus safer.
All newly enrolled students can expect a new, unfamiliar way of learning during their studies: independent work in studios and experimentation in excellent workshops and labs will characterise everyday student life in the future. Based on the »Weimar Model«, which offers a project-orientated and practical education, creative freedom opens up, which often needs to be filled without direct guidance.
To prepare students for working safely and responsibly in the faculty's workshops, laboratories and studios, the »Safety Parcours« provides the necessary knowledge on first aid, fire safety and occupational safety. At four different stations, internal and external experts impart practical knowledge that is not only helpful and essential during the studies.
The Weimar professional fire brigade is in charge of the »Fire Protection« station and offers extinguishing exercises, among other things. Participants learn how to use fire extinguishers safely and how to fight incipient fires effectively. At the »First Aid« station, employees of the German Red Cross teach participants in theory and practical exercises how to act correctly in an emergency, treat injuries and rescue people from danger zones.
Uwe Kirmse, Steven McNelly and Sebastian Oberänder are in charge of the »Occupational Safety« area. Here, the first-semester students learn how to handle hazardous substances, how to use work equipment safely and how to avoid hazards in the workshops.
At the fourth station, Sonja Kreuzburg presents photographs and a sculpture in her »fire safety studio«, which is intended to provide a low-threshold introduction to the broad field of fire safety. In guided tours of the gallery, the architectural planner draws attention to sources of danger in the everyday use of the studio spaces and teaches the correct behaviour in the event of a fire.
The »Safety Parcours« will take place for the first time on Friday, 15 November 2024 and is compulsory for new students at the Faculty of Art and Design. All participants will receive a certificate after the course.
If you have any questions, please contact Anja Wagner, Dean's Assistant for Student Marketing and Teaching Coordination at the Faculty of Art and Design, by telephone on +49 / 36 43 / 58 33 24 or by email at anja.wagner[at]uni-weimar.de.
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